Grand MasterGrand Master

    Apr 23, 2014#16

    The number of project files usually does not really matter on starting UltraEdit with loading the project, except all project files are additionally opened. It needs of course more time to open a project which additionally opens 80+ files than opening a project which opens only 10 or less files.

    But when working with a project which is setup correct using Project Settings dialog, it is not necessary to open all project files. It should be enough to have only those files from the project open on exit of UltraEdit respectively close of the project on which editing is currently done.

    Commands like Find in Files and Replace in Files support a find/replace in all files of a project independent on opened currently in UltraEdit or not opened. Also the Function List can be switched via context menu item List for all Project Files (right click into function list window) to show the functions defined in active file only or from all files of a project, again independent on loading state in UltraEdit.

    Otomatic, how are your projects configured? Are all project files opened at same time? Do you use additionally Ctags feature? Which other processes are running which could slow down opening a file?
    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


      Apr 23, 2014#17


      I am extremely sorry for the answer I will give later :oops: , but being taken me to the game, I wanted to see the loading time of each file and the processes used.
      So I used Sysinternals Process Monitor tool as well as internal audits of Windows and after some trial and error and a lot of time, I found the culprit: It's anti-virus Avira Premium.
      Disabling real-time protection from Avira, the opening time of the project with 23 files from 16 to 3 sec and the project comprising 84 files from 23 to 6 sec. I also tested with a project that includes 165 files, loading time is decreased from 56 to 12 sec.
      For me, the problem is solved! :wink:
      An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation. Ghandi


        Aug 26, 2014#18

        I have just bought the latest version and found that on one computer, UE was very slow to start. It was 6 seconds from the icon double click until the program opened. I noticed that the folder list showed the A: selected at the top, but I don't have a floppy. So I uninstalled it, and that improved the started to be about a second.

        I couldn't find any way to edit the drives shown in that list. Maybe there is a fault there, as I don't see why it was selecting the A: either, as I never used it, but it was at the top. Even when I had C: selected on exit, then restart the program it would still select A:. The only way seemed to be to uninstall floppy drives.

        Bit disappointing, as this doesn't happen on all computers, and doesn't happen on any other software on this computer.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Aug 26, 2014#19

          By default the Explorer tab on File View lists all drives which exist according to Windows. It is possible to select a directory, click with right mouse button on the directory to open the context menu, and left click on Set Directory as Root which results in hiding all other drives.

          At Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tree View there are several options which can be unchecked to get a faster file view with less information. For computers still having a floppy drive it is highly recommended to uncheck the options Show volume labels in Explorer view and Show volume info for floppy drive(s)  to avoid accessing the floppy drive to find out if a disk is inserted and get volume name of the disk.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Apr 25, 2015#20

            UE starts fast but not as fast as possible (IMO). When I start UE I first see the window with an entirely white client area and unpopulated controls on the status bar, for less than a second. Then I see the 'final' view.

            Basic UserBasic User

              May 03, 2015#21

              I noticed a startup time > 10 seconds, and it annoyed me, but not quite enough to send me this direction. Today, I came with a different issue, and noticed this thread in the index with the information to uncheck configuration setting Load/restore printer settings. Although I haven't fully tested the change, I thought to myself that it may well apply to me, since all of my printers are, technically, network printers.

              Thanks, IDM, for leaving these old threads; they make a very nice self-maintaining knowledge base.


                Oct 27, 2016#22

                I have to say I'm using less and less UE ( for my daily workload of text files manipulation only because of that. On my setup, opening a simple text file takes about 5-6 seconds until full UI is up and running. Compared to Notepad++ which takes less than a second.

                I'm willing to run a debug/profiling version of UE to help investigate the issue if needed.


                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Oct 27, 2016#23

                  Mike, even on my already 7 years old Windows 7 computer UE v23.20 starts in about 2 seconds. So when just opening a file takes on your computer 5-6 seconds which is most likely newer than my machine, there is something configured wrong. Or another application running in background makes opening a file in UltraEdit slower than in another editor.

                  By the way: Do you also start UltraEdit on opening a file?

                  It is not clear for me if 5-6 seconds is for opening a file in UltraEdit with the various methods which exist for opening a file in UltraEdit or if UltraEdit is started on opening a file outside UltraEdit.

                  Mike, do you have read all the tips given on this topic? What do you have already tried (disk cleanup, using UE standard configuration, unchecking setting Load/restore printer settings, ...)?
                  Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                    Nov 09, 2016#24

                    Hi, I'm using a somewhat old dual (2x16 cores) Opterons with 32 GB RAM. OS is Windows 7 Enterprise (with all service packs and updates), it has two VelociRaptor 10k rpm and a SSD. I keep my setup clean and everything run smoothly. (I'm a developer and have only trusted tools on it.)

                    I'm starting UE typically with "right click on a file and open with UE"

                    File size does not mater as it shows the same behavior when opening small config files.

                    I tried a few tips and settings over the time but I don't have a list of them.

                    Advanced UserAdvanced User

                      Nov 09, 2016#25

                      A tool such as the Sysinternals Process Monitor might give information about what is responsible for the slowdown:

                      If it's some sort of unnecessary network access you might be able to fix the problem yourself. If it's something that requires IDM's attention a log from that tool might be useful to them.

                      Basic UserBasic User

                        Nov 12, 2016#26

                        My recent experiences are that UE (latest version as of this post) starts up fast enough (wish faster, but whatever), however, at some point before getting the file displayed, the header bar will show "(UltraEdit is not responding)" for just short of a second.

                        I blame (but not confirmed other than to compare UES on a DVI triple monitor setup) the fact that the system where this happens is running a pair of 4K monitors (DisplayPort 1.2), and the time UE takes to render a display on such a monitor is longer than what Win7 would think is appropriate.

                        (Additionally, the latest version of UC on this system is ridiculously slow (not hideously slow) in re-drawing the display when a block of code is merged from one window to the other.

                        So, I think IDM has some major issues yet to solve on its adoption of 4K support.

                        Power UserPower User

                          Nov 14, 2016#27

                          Hi bsmither,
                          I note with a great deal of interest your comments about the slowness of the latest version of UC (V16.00). Ever since I've upgraded to it, I've had the same problem. It can be very slow, and the response is inconsistent. Sometimes it appears to go as fast as it did previously, and other times it slows right down. This happens in both text and folder mode. And the response time seems to vary depending on whether ribbon or button mode is selected. I'm running UC 16 on an I7 3770 system with 16GB of RAM, a Sandisk Extreme Pro SSD, and a 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) monitor. I've done a complete uninstall and re-install of UC 16 but it's made no difference. I've reported it to IDM support and given them a zipped up copy of my %APPDATA% UltraCompare folder, but they have not been able to replicate it, so it's good to hear finally that someone else has discovered the same problems with UC 16. Hopefully IDM support will revisit this and resolve it.




                            Nov 14, 2016#28

                            Hi, I've done some procmon and found two places where it takes long to process (see screenshot, sorry for the quality, I could not upload full resolution):
                            1) Around 9:34:47.37, while closing uedit64.rb0 (lost 2 seconds here)
                            2) Around 9:34:50.44, while closing file uedit32_v.spl (lost 1 second here)

                            There are roundtrip into the kernel for theses two instances. It might be related to the flags passed when opening the files.

                            Other file open/close do not exhibits this behavior.
                            uedit.jpg (175.55KiB)

                            Grand MasterGrand Master

                              Nov 19, 2016#29

                              mlemay, here is what Process Monitor logged on my computer as I right clicked on a file in Windows Explorer and left clicked on context menu item to open the file in UltraEdit.

                              But first a hint for the future: The image format PNG is much better for screenshots not capturing a displayed photo, i.e. capturing a graphic display than JPEG. Every application supporting JPEG supports also PNG. PNG uses a lossless compression which means does not add pixel noise like JPEG and usually produces for screenshots smaller files than JPEG. Your JPEG compressed image is nearly unreadable because of the strong used lossy JPEG compression.

                              I used Process Monitor to log a start of 32-bit UltraEdit on Windows 7 SP1 x64 running on a Dell Latitude E6510 with Intel Core i5 M 560 @ 2.67 GHz with 8 GB RAM and a Seagate ST9250410AS hard disk with 7200 rpm (no SSD). UltraEdit was started by right clicking on a file and left clicking on UltraEdit menu item in context menu. There was no instance of UltraEdit already running on doing that. UltraEdit was started before already once. So this was not the first start of UltraEdit after starting Windows which means files of UltraEdit were cached already by Windows.

                              I saved the Process Monitor data as CSV file and extracted the two blocks with reading ribbon configuration file and license file. I added also the line number column for easier referencing the lines here.

                              Process Monitor was used with standard filter settings. So I had no additional exclude filter active on running Process Monitor. The PID column is removed from the blocks below.

                              Reading ribbon configuration file:

                              Code: Select all

                              "Line","Time of Day","Process Name","Operation","Path","Result","Detail"
                              "01","06:38:06,0892207","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "02","06:38:06,0892876","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","Filter: uedit32.rb0, 1: uedit32.rb0"
                              "04","06:38:06,0894797","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0:6E53BFF5-0001-412b-8407-E3AEDE763511","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a"
                              "05","06:38:06,0896529","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Generic Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "06","06:38:06,0897942","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 311.296, EndOfFile: 308.014, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "07","06:38:06,0898439","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 311.296, EndOfFile: 308.014, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "08","06:38:06,0899613","uedit32.exe","ReadFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","Offset: 2, Length: 308.012, Priority: Normal"
                              "09","06:38:06,0901903","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 311.296, EndOfFile: 308.014, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "10","06:38:06,0902273","uedit32.exe","QueryBasicInformationFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.rb0","SUCCESS","CreationTime: 06.10.2016 06:14:11, LastAccessTime: 06.10.2016 06:14:11, LastWriteTime: 06.10.2016 06:14:11, ChangeTime: 15.11.2016 19:07:53, FileAttributes: A"
                              "12","06:38:06,0904371","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "13","06:38:06,0905614","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit","SUCCESS","Filter: UltraEdit, 1: UltraEdit"
                              "15","06:38:06,0907766","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "16","06:38:06,0908905","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit","SUCCESS","Filter: UltraEdit, 1: UltraEdit"
                              "18","06:38:06,2247551","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "19","06:38:06,2249445","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\Users\mofi\AppData\Roaming\IDMComp\UltraEdit","SUCCESS","Filter: UltraEdit, 1: UltraEdit"
                              There is no large time after reading the uedit32.rb0 before UltraEdit continues. The time between line 11 and line 12 is just 1.771 ms.

                              On your computer there is perhaps another process running taking more than 1 second which was filtered out on logging the activities. The System process indicates that Windows switched to another process after 64-bit UltraEdit read the ribbon configuration file. You should investigate this more deeply. Disable some exclude filters to find out which process is interfering here.

                              And also interesting is that uedit64.exe already running reads from file uedit64.exe. uedit32.exe on my computer continues completely different after reading ribbon configuration file. There are just a few lines with access to uedit32.rb0 and this block contains the only ReadFile operation on file uedit32.rb0. I used UltraEdit with standard settings (ribbon mode, ...) for this test instead of using my settings which would make the start even faster because of my puristic workspace.

                              Reading license file:

                              Code: Select all

                              "Line","Time of Day","Process Name","Operation","Path","Result","Detail"
                              "01","06:38:06,8576083","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Attributes, Read Control, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "02","06:38:06,8577292","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","BUFFER OVERFLOW","Information: DACL"
                              "03","06:38:06,8577558","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Information: DACL"
                              "05","06:38:06,8579656","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\PROGRAMDATA\IDMComp\ULTRAEDIT\license","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Open Reparse Point, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "06","06:38:06,8580275","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Filter: uedit32_v.spl, 1: uedit32_v.spl"
                              "08","06:38:06,8582004","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl:6E53BFF5-0001-412b-8407-E3AEDE763511","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Non-Directory File, Open Reparse Point, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a"
                              "09","06:38:06,8583536","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Attributes, Read Control, Write DAC, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "10","06:38:06,8584752","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 8.192, EndOfFile: 7.828, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "11","06:38:06,8585164","uedit32.exe","QueryBasicInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","CreationTime: 01.09.2016 09:43:29, LastAccessTime: 25.09.2016 10:27:03, LastWriteTime: 16.11.2016 06:36:32, ChangeTime: 16.11.2016 06:36:32, FileAttributes: ANCI"
                              "12","06:38:06,8585630","uedit32.exe","QueryNameInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Name: \ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl"
                              "13","06:38:06,8586734","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\PROGRAMDATA\IDMComp\ULTRAEDIT\license","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Control, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "14","06:38:06,8587801","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license","BUFFER OVERFLOW","Information: DACL"
                              "15","06:38:06,8588051","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license","SUCCESS","Information: DACL"
                              "17","06:38:06,8588952","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","BUFFER OVERFLOW","Information: Owner, Group, DACL"
                              "18","06:38:06,8589187","uedit32.exe","QuerySecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Information: Owner, Group, DACL"
                              "19","06:38:06,8589852","uedit32.exe","SetSecurityFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Information: DACL"
                              "20","06:38:06,8590796","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 8.192, EndOfFile: 7.828, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "21","06:38:06,8591461","uedit32.exe","QueryBasicInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","CreationTime: 01.09.2016 09:43:29, LastAccessTime: 25.09.2016 10:27:03, LastWriteTime: 16.11.2016 06:36:32, ChangeTime: 16.11.2016 06:36:32, FileAttributes: ANCI"
                              "22","06:38:06,8591716","SearchIndexer.exe","FileSystemControl","C:","SUCCESS","Control: FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL"
                              "24","06:38:06,8592197","SearchIndexer.exe","FileSystemControl","C:","SUCCESS","Control: FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL"
                              "25","06:38:06,8593190","SearchIndexer.exe","FileSystemControl","C:","SUCCESS","Control: FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL"
                              "26","06:38:06,8594168","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\PROGRAMDATA\IDMComp\ULTRAEDIT\license","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "27","06:38:06,8594799","uedit32.exe","QueryDirectory","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Filter: uedit32_v.spl, 1: uedit32_v.spl"
                              "29","06:38:06,8596512","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl:6E53BFF5-0001-412b-8407-E3AEDE763511","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a"
                              "30","06:38:06,8597963","uedit32.exe","CreateFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Generic Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened"
                              "31","06:38:06,8599253","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 8.192, EndOfFile: 7.828, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "32","06:38:06,8599749","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 8.192, EndOfFile: 7.828, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "33","06:38:06,8600350","uedit32.exe","ReadFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Offset: 0, Length: 4.096, Priority: Normal"
                              "34","06:38:06,8601131","uedit32.exe","ReadFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","Offset: 4.096, Length: 3.732"
                              "35","06:38:06,8601662","uedit32.exe","QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 8.192, EndOfFile: 7.828, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False"
                              "36","06:38:06,8601970","uedit32.exe","QueryBasicInformationFile","C:\ProgramData\IDMComp\UltraEdit\license\uedit32_v.spl","SUCCESS","CreationTime: 01.09.2016 09:43:29, LastAccessTime: 25.09.2016 10:27:03, LastWriteTime: 16.11.2016 06:36:32, ChangeTime: 16.11.2016 06:38:06, FileAttributes: ANCI"
                              Nearly the same as before. There is just Window Search indexer between UltraEdit. But there are no longer system activities on my computer in comparison to log created on your computer. I suppose the same background process causing the larger time after reading uedit64.rb0 is also responsible for the larger time after reading uedit32_v.spl.

                              The entire time for starting UltraEdit and opening the file was 2.162323 seconds according to Process Monitor log measured from explorer.exe starting uedit32.exe (operation CreateFile with Desired Access: Execute/Traverse) up to the last access of uedit32.exe v23.20.0.43 on opened and not syntax highlighted file.

                              PS: An anti-virus application is installed on my computer, but was not active as I used Process Monitor to log starting of UltraEdit and opening a file via context menu in Windows Explorer. The goal was to look for a startup delay caused by UltraEdit and not measure the performance of the anti-virus application running usually in background.
                              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                                Nov 29, 2016#30


                                The more I look at it, the more I think it's not related to the IO subsystem. I started UE a few times with every processes killed and it still exhibits the same slowdown right after CloseFile "uedit64.rb0" and before QueryDirectory "uedit64.in0".
                                The events in between vary a lot from runs to runs.

                                Could it be possible that some steps could eat up 1.5-2 seconds (on a slow machine). Could it be the rendering of the UI? Could it be some checks for updates? Other lengthy initialization?

                                Read more posts (28 remaining)