
UltraEdit uses a very outdated version of Tidy

UltraEdit uses a very outdated version of Tidy


    Feb 14, 2005#1

    I generated a basic html document in ultraedit v11 and noticed this:
    <meta name="generator" content=
    "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st November 2003), see http://www.w3.org">
    I think its time for an update, fellas ...

    Here's the tidy website

    I use tidy in TextPad. TexPad actually lets you update the version of tidy yourself, but in Ultraedit that isn't possible ... Anyway, Tidy is under active development and cranks out new compliles often. Currently I'm using one from December 16th, 2004. With all the improvements going on to UltraEdit lately, I'm surprised to see Tidy neglected. There's no telling what sort of errors are to be found in a version over year old.

    I hope it gets lumped into the fixes that will come in v11.01 (or whatever the next release will be)

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Feb 14, 2005#2

      Yes, that would be nice. There are compiled binaries (.dlls) available from http://tidy.sourceforge.net/ and if Uedit users could just download the latest and put them into their Uedit directories, the problem would be solved.

      Seems like IDM took the trouble back then to come up with his own tidy dll.


      Basic UserBasic User

        Feb 17, 2005#3

        How do you run HTML Tidy? I open an HTML file and select 'Run HTML Tidy' from the Format menu, but nothing happens.

        I just installed v11. It seems to be a little bloated though.

        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Feb 17, 2005#4

          neo_in_matrix wrote:How do you run HTML Tidy? I open an HTML file and select 'Run HTML Tidy' from the Format menu, but nothing happens.
          Hmm. This works for me.


          Basic UserBasic User

            Feb 18, 2005#5

            I think I must do this from the toolbar button 'HTML Tidy'.

            BTW, I think UE11 now uses the standard HTML Tidy DLL.

            Look at here:

            <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
            <meta name="generator" content=
            "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st December 2004), see http://www.w3.org">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
            "text/html; charset=us-ascii">

              Feb 18, 2005#6

              Just updated with the latest HTML Tidy:

              <meta name="generator"
              "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st February 2005), see http://www.w3.org" />


              Advanced UserAdvanced User

                Feb 18, 2005#7

                neo_in_matrix wrote:Just updated with the latest HTML Tidy
                Could you provide a subject with your sentence? WHO just updated to the latest Tidy? You? IDM? And how?


                  Feb 18, 2005#8

                  OK. I'm totally confused now.

                  Seems there are *two* HTML Tidy commands in UltraEdit. The first one can be found in the Format menu and has that icon with the little hammer (guess it's supposed to be a broom, duh). The second can only be found on the toolbars and it has this icon that simply says "HTML TIDY".

                  The first one does what the config file specified in the ini tells it to do. It will produce output to a Window named "** HTML Tidy Output". If you double-click on one of the error or warning messages in the UtraEdit output window, you will actually be taken to the correct place in the source file. If you tell it to give you a generator meta tag, this one will say "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st April 2002)".

                  The second does what the little config dialog tells it to do. From that dialog you can also specify a tidy configuartion file, but I have no idea whether the clickable options override the options in the file or vv. The name of the resulting output file (if you tell it to output to a new file) varies, but it's always a file on disk. If you double-click a warning message, Ultraedit will clumsily look for it in the output file and not in the source file. This one will give me "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st November 2003)".

                  The UltraEdit Help file confuses the two commands and pretends that there is only one.



                    Feb 18, 2005#9

                    Manni wrote:If you double-click a warning message, Ultraedit will clumsily look for it in the output file and not in the source file.
                    ... unless you have updated to the latest Hotfix. Yeah!


                    PS: Well. That's what I tought. It will take you to the correct file, but it isn't able to find line or columns correctly.

                    Basic UserBasic User

                      Feb 18, 2005#10

                      To Manni:

                      I meant I updated tidylib.dll in UltraEdit installation directory.

                      I downloaded the source code from http://tidy.sf.net and built it using m$ Visusal Studio 2003.

                      If you are interested in building the latest version and don't have m$ VS, you can try MinGW (http://www.mingw.org); it's FREE. But you need to do extra work - create makefiles youself.

                      Good luck.

                      Advanced UserAdvanced User

                        Feb 18, 2005#11

                        Thanks, neo_in_matrix.

                        Seems you can also download a precompiled dll from here: http://dev.int64.org/tidy.html

                        I chose the tidy-dll.zip file and it seems to work ok with UltraEdit.


                        Basic UserBasic User

                          Feb 18, 2005#12

                          Yeah. There are lots of nice guys there who provide precompiled binaries for open source projects - free.

                          I am a developer; I like build things on my own. 8) And I always get the latest. :D


                            Feb 28, 2005#13

                            hmm... strange :cry:
                            I download the tidy-dll.zip from http://dev.int64.org/tidy.html, unpack the zip file and rename the tidy.dll to tidylib.dll, but everytime i hit the "HTML Tidy" button UE crashed.
                            It seems the dll from int64.org is not compatible to UE or so?! Putting the Original back in the dir, UE works again, so sign of crashing. strange, strange... :evil:

                            D/L file:

                            Code: Select all

                            These are no longer built on the vanilla Tidy sources- they include a patch to make them more friendly to DLLs. This also breaks any binary compatibility with builds prior to 02/23/05. The filenames have changed also, mainly to keep users from attempting to copy them over an old build. They are now tidy.dll, tidy.lib, and tidy.def.
                            February 23rd, 2005  	tidy-dll.zip  	DLL with import library and headers.  	166KiB
                            hmm... what does that mean?? friendly, friendly... nothing is friendly to me :cry:

                              Feb 28, 2005#14

                              I still have the luck, problem solved... :twisted:
                              The download archive for all previous releases is still available here if someone having the same problem:

                              In fact, UE is working perfect with any files up to version 041215 :) :
                              http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int6 ... 15-lib.zip

                              But it crashes as the Autor's Note above said with file 050223 and files after this time if someone like me tries to rename the dll :oops:


                                Feb 28, 2005#15

                                neo_in_matrix wrote:How do you run HTML Tidy? I open an HTML file and select 'Run HTML Tidy' from the Format menu, but nothing happens.
                                I had exactly the same problem and contacted support. Here's the response I got and it worked for me 8)
                                I did ask the developers about this and apparently there was an issue that was introduced in v11.00a where the old HTML Tidy dll is referred to in the menu. If you right click on a menu and select Manage Menu Configuration and click on the Reset All button this should be resolved and should work correctly.
                                FYI you need to right-click in a blank area of the menu for the above to work.

                                BTW thanks for the info about geting the lastest (working) DLL.

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