
Unindent with [shift] + [tab] does not work as expected on nothing selected

Unindent with [shift] + [tab] does not work as expected on nothing selected


    Nov 10, 2018#1


    I would like to un-indent a line by pressing [shift] + [tab]. Pressing the key combination in UE leads to inconsistent behavior. I.e. sometimes the caret is placed two spaces (or a tab) back on the line. Other times nothing happens at all.
    I have looked in my settings to see if there is anything I have configured that would explain this.

    Does anyone know if this is a bug?

    PS: When I select multiple lines [shift] + [tab] works a expected.

    Thanks in advance for your reply,


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 10, 2018#2

      Shift+Tab works as designed as far as I could see using UE v25.20.0.88 (Windows 7) and v22.20.0.49 (Windows XP).

      Shift+Tab moves caret to previous tab stop position in line on nothing selected or there is just a selection within a line. On usage of multi-caret feature all carets are moved to previous tab stop position in the lines on which carets are blinking in file.

      Shift+Tab un-indents all selected lines to previous tab stop position on one or more lines selected. A selection can start somewhere in the middle of a line and can end also somewhere in the middle of a line. This works also with multiple selections on using multi-caret/multi-selection feature. But at least one line ending must be within a selection for triggering the un-indent instead of caret moving behavior.

      Please take into account on using word-wrap on active file with wrap at window edge or wrap after column # that a selection can span over multiple displayed lines, but the selection does not include a line termination, i.e. carriage return + line-feed (DOS/Windows), just line-feed (UNIX), just carriage return (MAC prior OS X). The selection spanning on display over multiple lines is in real just within a line in file in this case.

      Please have also a look on:
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Nov 10, 2018#3

        Mofi, thanks for your quick response, so the shift tab functions as intended.
        Looks like I will have to write (or find) a macro or script to un-indent my line.

        Thanks anyway.🙂

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Nov 10, 2018#4

          There is the command Select line which has by default no hotkey assigned. I suggest to open Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Key mapping and assign a hotkey to command Select line to quickly select active line independent on where the caret is positioned in active line. Next Shift+Tab can be pressed to un-indent this line.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria