
Using Turkish characters without using Unicode

Using Turkish characters without using Unicode


    Mar 18, 2007#1

    I don't want to use UTF-8 because of I do not need it. I used notepad++ and can type Turkish characters normally. It use national characters by ASCII.
    I have researched this forum and learned that I must use Unicode (UTF-8) to see Turkish characters.
    You know it uses 2 bytes.
    The question is this;
    if I can use Turkish characters in ASCII by other programs, why I have to use UTF-8 to use Turkish characters by UltraEdit?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 18, 2007#2

      Are you sure the other text editor saves the file really in ASCII and not in Unicode?

      Have you opened the file created by the other editor in UltraEdit and looked on the second box in the status bar at bottom of the UltraEdit window which encoding and format the file has?

      For a list of the abbreviations and their meanings see How to see if a file is ASCII or UTF8 etc.

      I know nothing about the Turkish character sets, but maybe you really don't need a Unicode encoded file. Look and set the appropriate settings at Advanced - Set Code Page/Locale and in menu View the items Set Code Page, Set Font and Set HEX/Column Mode Font. In the font dialogs look especially on the Script setting where you have to select the Turkish script.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Mar 19, 2007#3

        This is ultraEdit screenshot. It was set to Turkish character configuration:

        And this is other programs screenshot. So it is saying us that "I am using acsii":

        And at the finally, this is values screenshot. It is saying us "This is ascii" because of there is 5 character and 5bytes:

        Could you help me?

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Mar 19, 2007#4

          Please select the correct Script in your font settings as I have written already. You maybe have to restart UltraEdit to see it correct. "Set Code Page/Locale" in menu Advanced is only for locale specific sort and for conversions (i.e. copy/paste), but does not help if the font setting is not correct. See help of UE for more details about the menu items I have already posted.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Mar 19, 2007#5

            I have done it. Script is Turkish. But it does not work...

            Well, I have restrart the program morover I have reboot computer. But I doesn't work :(


              Jul 18, 2007#6

              Thanks, "View -> Set Font" fixed the problem in my case.