
Using Ultraedit from Eclipse

Using Ultraedit from Eclipse


    Nov 08, 2004#1

    I've seen the requests for an Ultraedit plugin for eclipse and I whole heartedly agree.

    I'm using Eclipse and have chosen to use Ultraedit as the default editor for c programming. In Eclipse, when I double click on a filename it opens correctly in Uedit. My question is, does anyone with Eclipse experience know how Eclipse issues the command to open the file in Uedit? I'm curious because when I get complile errors and the "Tasks" view shows the file and line number in Eclipse, double clicking will open the file in Uedit but it does not go to the line number that contains the error. I know the command line command that Uedit needs, it's just that I don't know where to break in and configure Eclipse to have it command the line number for Uedit, as well as the file.




      Apr 06, 2005#2

      try this,

      compile the following with your favorite windows compiler and set up the exe it produces as your editor so it is called in place of ultraedit, if the printfs are not captured by eclipse then use fopen and fprintf to dump to a results file. it should be possible to figure the arguaments relationship to the files you are using.

      I dont know about eclipse, I have just started using it with the altera nios ii kit and cant say I have explored it very much but I dont really like it.

      #include <stdio.h>

      int main( int argv , char * argc )
      int arg_index = 0 ;

      for ( arg_index = 0 ; arg_index < argv ; arg_index++ )
      printf("arg %d = /"%s/" " , arg_index , argc[arg_index] ) ;

      return 1;