I'm looking for advice on creating a macro that will let me save a copy of the file I'm currently working on to an FTP site. I like to maintain both a local and remote version of some of my files, and this would help streamline that process for online updates. Some details:
- Constant server/login
- Constant 'home' remote folder (eg: /aaa/bbb/)
- local and remote filenames would be the same (eg: filename.txt)
- detect parent folder name(eg 'c:\ddd\ccc') and save to remote site:
eg: /aaa/bbb/ccc/filename.txt
Is this even possible?
Thanks in advance,
I'm looking for advice on creating a macro that will let me save a copy of the file I'm currently working on to an FTP site. I like to maintain both a local and remote version of some of my files, and this would help streamline that process for online updates. Some details:
- Constant server/login
- Constant 'home' remote folder (eg: /aaa/bbb/)
- local and remote filenames would be the same (eg: filename.txt)
- detect parent folder name(eg 'c:\ddd\ccc') and save to remote site:
eg: /aaa/bbb/ccc/filename.txt
Is this even possible?
Thanks in advance,