Cut & paste +FindReg works only in ~80%

Cut & paste +FindReg works only in ~80%


    Dec 07, 2006#1

    Hi all,

    my search via RegEx with Cut and paste in the same file works not correctly.

    my source is text like this
    foo, bar ([email protected])
    Mind, Mister ([email protected])
    else, someone ([email protected])

    I'm interested in the "loginname" RegEx: ([a-z,0-9]+@
    The selection is allways correct. e.g. (foobar@ ...

    My macro then should (!) cut the hit, move to the end of textfile via "Bottom", paste the hit and from top, search again.

    But often the selected text is not cut but only copied...

    So if you run the following macro on the source above, with some repetitions, you'll see some doubled pastings at the end of file.

    This results in not cutting the hit out of the "source" ...
    Am I wrong anywhere in my mind, or is there a problem with the macro-interpreter or the execution?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    PS: The two quotes results of hitting Enter after pasting.. but you know this for sure - I'm just new in these macros ;-)

    The macro is:

    Find RegExp PreserveCase "([a-z,0-9]+@"

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 07, 2006#2

      Find option PreserveCase is only for a following replace. So it should be removed here.

      In the regular expression string the comma , means that a comma character can be part of the string as letters and numbers. I think, that's not correct and you only need [a-z0-9]+ .

      I could not reproduce the effect you described on your example with UE v11.20b.

      However, here is an improved version of your macro which finds all names between ( and @ and pastes it line by line into a new file with a single macro execution.

      The macro property Continue if a Find with Replace not found must be checked for this macro.

      Clipboard 9
      Find RegExp "(*@"
      Find "("
      Replace All ""
      Find "@"
      Replace All "^p"
      Clipboard 0
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 08, 2006#3

        Hi Mofi,
        thanks a lot for the quick response.

        Now please sit down I'll tell you what happend;-)...

        You can believe the following; my diploma in applied computer science didn't come to my by christmas....;-)

        The facts:
        - the macro didn't run on my machine with version 11.20
        - updated to 12.20 - didn't run either.

        Computer's uptime is actually 7 days. Running XP Prof (Enterprise Licensed). Fully patched by Enterprise solution. McAfee Enterprise 8.0 (turned on /off - no differerence).
        Also running (and open in parallel) MS Outlook, Firefox, Windows Powershell, Netware Aministrator (yes, Novell available too), Total Commander, MS DesktopSearch, MS SMS (SystemManagementService) a.s.o.

        Now the Chrismas Wonder:
        From Home in the evening, I connected per MSTSC* to the Computer (at work) to check without McAfee to have a good sleep ;-).
        And my bad macro ran correctly! Without failures...
        Even with turned on McAfee (<- the candidate for some strange errors - sometimes).

        This morning, back here. Checked again MSTSC from the second PC on same switch. Runs OK also...
        But with failures on the PC itself!
        That was reproduceable every time via MSTSC and directly on the pc...

        Following colleagues' advice to close all other (FF, Outlook, DosBox, Netware, PShell a.s.o.). UEdit was the only app. running.

        Till then, the macro is working correctly... I can't reproduce errors any more.
        Doesn't care if on the machine itself, or via MSTSC. no failures.

        So I can now check your macro too. Some stuff in it is new for me. Didn't know the loops available. thanks.

        Actually, after your macro ran I have to open a new tab to paste the stuff.
        In the clipboard, the results are includes the "(" and "@", but I'll make the best out of the two.

        So I'm grateful for the initial aid.
        I think we'll meet here again.

        Nice Weekend and best regards.

        greetings from cologne ! :-)

        *MS TerminalServices

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Dec 08, 2006#4

          Jogi_cgn wrote:Actually, after your macro ran I have to open a new tab to paste the stuff.
          In the clipboard, the results are includes the "(" and "@", but I'll make the best out of the two.
          Glad to read that the problem was caused by too high CPU usage of an other application for too long time. Maybe the DOS program in the DOS box.

          My macro already opens a new file tab, deletes all ( and replaces all @ to a line break.

          If this does not happen on your computer, you have not checked the macro property Continue if a Find with Replace not found and so the macro exits immediately when the searched string is not found anymore instead of exiting the loop and do the commands till end of the macro. Open Macro - Delete Macros/Modify Properties and check the property with the not good name because it should be named Continue if a Find not found.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria