Goto column 97 in a macro, how?

Goto column 97 in a macro, how?


    Jan 03, 2007#1

    Hi, im using UE 12.20b. I need to create a macro that goto column 97 on the line, where the cursor are.
    In the standard UI, I can just type CRTL-G and the "/97", but when this is recorded into a macro, it defaults to "1/97" which means line 1 and column 97. When I edit the macro-code back to "/97", UE returns "invalid code".
    How do i make UE to goto column 97?

    regards Lars

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 03, 2007#2

      As already explained in my last post at UE 12.20: Error in macro on UE-startup the GotoLine and GotoLineSelect commands can be used since UE v12.20a+2 and UES v6.10a+2 with line number 0. 0 means in current line. So

      GotoLine 0 200

      sets the cursor in current line to column 200. And

      GotoLineSelect 0 150

      sets the cursor in current line to column 150 with selecting everything from current cursor position till column 150.

      In previous versions a "GotoColumn" to column 200 was possible only with

      Key HOME
      IfColNumGt 1
      Key HOME
      Loop 200
      IfColNumGt 200

      Tabs are a problem with this workaround. That's the reason for IfColNumGt.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 13, 2007#3

        Hi Mofi, thanks that helped :-)

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jan 13, 2007#4

          Please note: From UE v12.20 to version 13.00+1 (= UES v6.10 to v6.20+1) all versions of UE/UES are setting the cursor wrong in the first line of an ASCII file by 1 column. For example the command

          GotoLine 1 1

          sets the cursor after first character in line 1 if the file is an ASCII file instead of before. The problem does not exist on Unicode files. I think, internally UE/UES always adds +1 to the column number if the current line is line 1 of the file because of the BOM of Unicode files. But an ASCII file does not have a BOM and so the cursor placement is then wrong by 1. I have already reported this to IDM support and the bug was confirmed.

          This bug was fixed with UE v13.00+2 and UES v6.20+2.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria