
ftp open function in non-modal window

ftp open function in non-modal window


    Aug 18, 2005#1

    When using Adobe homesite, the ftp open window stays as an extra window open on the left site of the screen. This would be a great feature of UtraEdit!

    We are working with FTP only, and it is a nuisance to open FTP again and again for every file you need from the server. Of course one can open more files at once, but always later on you need another file. And then you have to go to FTP again, go to correct directory, change sort order, etc.

    When it is possible to keep the FTP window open, all my directory settings are kept and I can easily select and open another FTP file.


      Dec 29, 2005#2

      In addition:
      You can uncheck the "close session after transfer" check box on the FTP dialogs but then the FTP window keeps the focus not allowing U to do anything else in UltraEdit until you close it.

      So you end up establishing a new FTP connection everytime you want to "open from FTP" or "save as to FTP". With a logon required each time this can do a lot of writes to the security logs which is driving my security person crazy.

      Can this be changed :?:

      Basic UserBasic User

        Nov 19, 2008#3

        PLEASE implement this feature.

        It is such a hassle to have to open the dialog for each transfer.


          Nov 20, 2008#4

          The "FTP Browser" was introduced in version 12.10 and is found at File - FTP/Telnet - Browse. Just keep open and use right click "open in UltraEdit".

          Power UserPower User

            Nov 20, 2008#5

            Another option is available if you have enabled "Display FTP accounts in explorer view" in your config settings. In this case simply click on the required FTP account in the explorer view and it will connect to the server and display all the files. You can then edit any file simply by double clicking on it as you would for a local file.

