FTP error opening file on TANDEM

FTP error opening file on TANDEM


    Mar 29, 2011#1

    I can get a listing of files, so I am connected but when I try to open a file I get the following error

    Error: 'MDTM myfile': command not understood

    My config:

    Code: Select all

    General:  Protocol FTP
              No Password
              User Account not specified
              Initial director specified
    Server:   Server Type Tandem Guardian
              Full path leading character "/"
              Path / node Separator "/"
              Name Index -1
              Size index -1
              Use MDTM and size NOT SELECTED
              Passive transfer NOT SELECTED
    Advanded: Transfer type ASCII
              Display FIlter Remote
    Proxy: NOT USED
    SSH /SSL Not used

      Apr 04, 2011#2

      After looking at the FTP log I discovered MDTM commands being issued despite not having it checked in the configuration.

      Version of UltraEdit is


        Jun 30, 2011#3

        Does it happen in other versions?
        iphone development