Keyboard Shortcut for "Save this file to FTP"?

Keyboard Shortcut for "Save this file to FTP"?


    Jun 07, 2007#1

    I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut for that will save the current file to FTP, like Dreamweaver would do.
    I've tried to add a Key Mapping in the Configuration but "FileFTPSaveAs" will not do.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


      Jun 07, 2007#2

      I'm not quite sure what is your development situation: If you are working on local copies of files that reside on a server, you might want to study these power tips:

      Configuring your FTP Account
      Link Remote Directories to Local Directories

      If that doesn't fit your situation then if you are a UE version 13 user, maybe you can get inspired from this script:

      (modify it to fit your purpose).


        Jun 08, 2007#3

        Thanks for your reply. My FTP was setup and local/remote directories were already linked.

        I upgraded yesterday to UE v13 because of the FTP capabilities. What i'm trying to do is relativly simple: use a keyboard shortcut to silently save my file both locally and remotely at the same time.

        I realize it's possible to right-click in the project explorer window and click "upload to server" but when i have 10 files open it's tedious to always have to use the mouse, browse through the file hierarchy, right click, click upload to server, wait, and then hit the ok button. Dreamweaver silently accomplishes all this in one keystroke.

        I guess i'm a just keyboard kinda guy... women dig it. ;)


          Jan 17, 2008#4

          It's pretty easy to configure a shortcut for saving to FTP using the configuration window. Just choose Configuration from the Advanced menu and go to the Key Mapping option in the tree. Select the FileFTPSaveAs command and press you're desired key combination while the cursor is in the 'press new (multi) key' box. This way I've configured Ctrl+Shift+O for open from FTP and Ctrl+Shirt+S for saving to FTP. By the way: Ctrl+S saves the current file to FTP, when it was opened from FTP.


            Feb 12, 2008#5

            I have always used Ctrl+S to save files via FTP that I had opened via FTP. Recently I went to a new computer (with vista ugh) and I was still able to use this technique. It seems to have spontaneously stopped working. I don't get any vista messages, the UE progress bar just appears and nothing happens. It is really annoying me. I have looked at all the configuration settings. I didn't change anything on purpose. I don't know that this corresponded to any updates to the OS, but it could have.

            I did not proactively change any firewall settings, and I am not getting any alert from vista. Also, the thing is, I can go to the file pull down, etc etc and save via FTP like that. It just bums me out, because it takes like 7 stokes and mouse maneuvers for something I used to do with a combination of two keys.