Intregrating Dictionary into UltraEdit (ASPELL)

Intregrating Dictionary into UltraEdit (ASPELL)


    Nov 17, 2004#1

    I'm using UltraEdit to write LaTeX documents. Is there a posibility to integrate a dictionary like ASPELL ( in ULTRA EDIT?

    Or where can I get dictionary files for other languages (especially German?)
    Thanks for help,


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 17, 2004#2

      At the download section of UltraEdit there are some dictionaries for other languages. Direct link: Spell Checker Dictionaries


        Jan 30, 2005#3


        don't forget that aspell is available for many languages from, most of the dictionaries can simply be "dropped" into place. (read UE help for instructions).

        I've been unable to configure aspell shipped with Ultraedit to ignore sgml tags so you'll find aspell isn't particularly handy. I raised this comment with the folks at IDM and they suggested a more complete configuration of aspell from within UE32 may be availabe in the next release.

        However, aspell itself is a very powerful spell checker and has many features that UE32 doesn't even nod a wink at, so take the plunge and run aspell from DOS.

        I guess aspell will feature more importantly with the IDM crew because they've focused more heavily on HTML coding with the current beta release, and if they are going to realise their ambitions of a half decent HTML editor, aspell must work within UE32!

        Michael Hartley.


          Mar 12, 2005#4


          I sincerely hope the ASpell configuration is greatly widened, and soon. The majority of my coding is done in a C-like language and contains lots of text I want to check.

          However, it's not currently feasible, as the spell checker can't be configured to ignore words with 'special characters' like #define, add_action etc, nor can they be added to the user dictionary. This means I have to manually tell the checker to ignore them on each and every pass.

          Most frustrating. :)



            Jan 04, 2006#5

            I agree with the above posts. I use UltraEdit to code ASP.NET, asp, HTML, and many other languages, but it drives me nuts that I can't "remember" words with special chars in them and add them to the use dictionary. I spell check a page, and it stops at every single non-standard word (usually 60 to 100 needless "checks"). The old spell check in version 10 used to work very well with HTML, and I think it even had a custom dictionary that had many tags preconfigured. I even think that the old checker made much better suggestions when a was was misspelled, but that could just be me.

            The basic complaint here is that dashes, slashes, etc. were allowed as "added" words to the personal dictionary under the old spell checker. If I have missed something big, and it is possible to spell check HTML code with less pain, please post.

            I am in a position to recommend a text editor for a new group of coders we are adding, and I have suggested UltraEdit. But this new spell check problem has caused a lot of rumbling in the ranks. Sad thing is, this is the *only* beef that people have with the editor.

            I am surprised that more people are not bothered by this. I hope it is not a misconfiguration on my part, but I have Googled this to death for a simple solution and so far nothing.



              Jan 21, 2006#6

              Let me echo the sentiments of webnut. I have found the spell checker to be my "one beef" with this otherwise great editor. It seems that simply allowing words with special characters to be added to the user dictionary would be good enough.

              If this is a misconfiguration, I have also been unable to determine how to resolve it. Perhaps someone from IDM could respond to clarify if this is a misconfiguration; and if not, when the spell checker might be improved.