
Unix paths vs. DOS paths

Unix paths vs. DOS paths


    Apr 27, 2005#1


    I'm testing out UltraEdit for the first time this week. Previously, I've been using TextPad. I am testing out UE basically because TextPad does not allow you to load and organize a project very well at all, and I think that UE may allow me to do that.

    However, there's a key short-coming in UE (or else I can't find/figure out how to use all the bells and whistle yet in UE). I was able to create a tool with TextPad that could submit SAS programs to Unix and specify the path of the file in Unix format (that is, using "/"s vs. using "\"s). Being able to open a file on a Unix box (I have Samba set up to do this), edit the program, and then submit the program directly from my text editor is a key feature for me.

    Any assistance or insights in being able to set this type of functionality up within UE would be greatly appreciated.


    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Apr 28, 2005#2

      I sometimes need to convert the current file/path info to Unix format for use with Cygwin and I use a simple macro to do this. Maybe it will help.

      Code: Select all

      Find "\"
      Replace All "/"
      CloseFile NoSave
      This macro puts the Unix path and filename in the clipboard, but you could do something similar to edit the file.

        Apr 28, 2005#3

        After reading your post again I'm not sure I understand the problem. If you're editing over Samba and try to save a file Samba does the conversion for you. I work mostly on Unix files over Samba and don't have any problems other than the performance of our Samba server.


          May 04, 2005#4


          Thanks for your reply.

          I apologize if my post wasn't clear. That's probably because I'm not very familiar with Unix/Samba.

          Here's the situation:
          I have SAS program files on a Unix box. I would like to be able to edit these files and submit the files for execution via my text editor. Samba does allow me to open, edit, and save files on the Unix box as if it were a local file, and that's great. It's the part where I want to submit the program to the Unix box for execution that it gets a little bit more tricky.

          My previous solution was to have a batch file call a program to remote submit some commands to Unix. Textpad allowed me to pass the path of the directory of the file I'm editing (via Samba) to this batch program already in the Unix format. This was nice, a little convoluted still, but it worked.

          My current trial with UltraEdit forced me to find another way around this same problem, but with just a little extra complexity to get it working.

          I have Perl for Window installed on my machine and I have a tool set up in UltraEdit that passes the path of the file to the Perl script, convert it to Unix format, then submits the commands to Unix to get the program to run. Perl obviously has a better search and replace function than windows batch does, so this has worked fine so far.

          Again, thanks for your response, and if you know of an easier way to do what I'm doing, I'd certainly be interested in learning about it.

          Advanced UserAdvanced User

            May 05, 2005#5

            I don't know of a better way to do that and I have to jump through similar hoops until a Linux version of UltraEdit is available. I access our Linux compute servers through Exceed and I can't execute on them directly from UltraEdit. My hack is to create a macro that puts the command and paths on the clipboard. Then I paste them into Exceed and hit enter. It's not pretty, but it works. A common example is p4 editting something with Perforce. A source control tool.