User tool / fetch list of all project files

User tool / fetch list of all project files


    15:36 - 8 days ago#1


    Is there an argument or process to pass a list of the current project files to my external 'user tool'?

    I know that I can pass %r but I need the files in the project, not just the project name and path.

    Also, with %r I can open and read the .prj project file but the paths are 'encrypted' - only the 'stzUE' subfolder in the following is a readable subfolder...


    So, this begs the question: Is there a way to decrypt these folder names? Then I could fetch the project files myself.

    Help? Thanks!

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      4:59 - 8 days ago#2

      The paths in the project file are encoded with UTF-7.

      It is possible to use a macro or script which runs a Find in Files on project files with an empty search string and with results written to an edit window. That edit window becoming automatically the active window contains the list of project files with their fully qualified file names. After the deletion of the the summary information at the bottom using a Find with selection of text from bottom to the beginning of the summary information and conversion of the UTF-16 encoded list file to ASCII on no project file name contains a non-ASCII character, the list file can be saved with a specified name in the project directory and the user tool is run by the macro/script with the name of the fully qualified file name of the active project files list file.

      Let me know if you need help on writing the small macro or script and what you favor, a macro stored in a macro file loaded automatically on startup of UltraEdit/UEStudio or a script file.

      The script function GetListOfFiles does the main job. Appropriate macro code was also posted several times in the macros forum.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria