
execute scripts from UE in MacOs

execute scripts from UE in MacOs


    15:13 - 17 days ago#1

    I work on MacOs (Sonoma 14.4), M3-Machine.. I try to run a script that should be executed on the Mac Terminal. So I got to Tools->Scripting-> Scripts .. when i m there, i chose "add" a scripts, but i see all scripts "disabled" (so the .sh file is not recognized as script),  so I chose "Show Options" and i chose "all files" (as file type)... then i can pick my script file...then its added and I try to run it .. (it is a simple shell script in macOs to be run in the terminal) .. nothing happens, no terminal is opened. So i go to "tool configuration" and fill it accordingly (using absolute paths to be safe) there is even a line titled "command line"... so it should open the terminal, but does not help either 
    PS: I am using the UE version is 2023.0.0.22 ... any idea what could be the issue?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      15:57 - 17 days ago#2

      The Scripts list is only for UltraEdit scripts executed by the script interpreter inside UltraEdit executable and not for other script types (shell, Perl, Python).

      There must be configured a user tool or (project tool on using a project) for executing in your case: /bin/bash "/home/user/path/scriptname.sh"

      See the UltraEdit Wiki page Configure tools. It is of course also possible to configure the user tool to run the terminal program used by default on MacOS in which bash is executed to interpret the shell script. The difference is only the configured command line in the user/project tool configuration.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria