
FTP files not working in a Project

FTP files not working in a Project


    Oct 06, 2005#1

    I have created a project with 3 local files and 5 remote files via FTP.
    I open all 8 of them and include in the project. Then close UE. When I reopen a UE and open the project it brings up only 3 local files and ignores 5 FTP files.

    I was expecting Project to be opened with all 8 files. Each time I have to go the project settings and then select/open 5 more files which is really annoying.

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?? :?:

    Basic UserBasic User

      Oct 07, 2005#2

      In the configuration panel, you will see an option to 'Reload FTP files when reloading project files or last open files'