UltraEdit for Windows v23 versus v26 .prj file backward compatibility

UltraEdit for Windows v23 versus v26 .prj file backward compatibility


    Nov 27, 2019#1

    Hi, I am using different version of UltraEdit for Windows, due to licenses purchased over years.

    I created a file with UE v23, as per the below example, there is a folder that contains a subfolder and 2 test.db files. The project tree contains the path to test1.db. In the end, I saved the project with v23.
    Then I opened the project on a different PC with v26 and the project file was automatically edited with …U chapters and path with +AFw- . I edited the project to include a different file under the subfolder (mistake example, the file is substituted with another with a different name, test2.db ) and saved the project with v26.
    Then opening again with v23 the v26 project, the recent edit seems to be lost and the original test1.db appears again even if it has been deleted.

    Could be that the v26 uses the …U settings while the v23 uses the oldest?
    How do I can maintain the oldest compatibility without editing by hand the .prj file? Could you please let me know if there are advanced settings of the recent v26 that let maintain the compatibility with oldest .prj?
    Can the v26 works without …U chapters and path with +AFw-?

    3-Then reopened back with v23.png (62.47KiB)
    2-Then opened with v26.10 and saved.png (176.17KiB)
    1-Project created with v23 and saved.png (147.22KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 27, 2019#2

      UltraEdit for Windows became a full Unicode aware application with v24.00. All files storing configuration data are since this version Unicode encoded. The project file is no exception as it must be able to save also file and folder names containing one or more Unicode characters not available in default ANSI code page of current user account.

      An ANSI encoded project file is converted on first opening of the project by UltraEdit for Windows v24.00 or any later version to Unicode with using UTF-7 encoding. The ANSI encoded entries in project file are not removed automatically during this upgrade process of the project file.

      It is not possible as far as I know to force ANSI encoding for project files for downwards compatibility with UltraEdit versions prior 24.00. Please ask IDM support by email if there is a setting, which I don't know, to keep the project files ANSI encoded.

      Please look on following topics for more details about the data in project file and their management as I could find out by myself.
      It would be of course possible to write an UltraEdit script or a PowerShell script or a Python script or an application written in C or C++ or C# to convert *.prj and *.pui files saved by UE v24.00+ back into the format compatible for UE 23.xx.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria