Is spell check not working?

Is spell check not working?


    Sep 14, 2007#1

    Hello all:

    I noticed yesterday something spelled wrong in my copy of one of my webpages. When I did a spell check it came back saying nothing was found. So I went into the configuration and saw that it was configured properly.

    So I tried again with obvious misspellings of "fjas;ldjfa;" and it still did not come back with anything.

    Is there something else that I should check or am doing wrong that I should know about.

    I am on a Windows PC XP SP2

    UE 32 Professional 13.10a +1

    Thanks for any help anyone can give,


    Basic UserBasic User

      Sep 14, 2007#2

      Only gotchya I know of in spell check is that if you invoke it when you have some word selected, it ONLY spell checks for that word.

      I'm running 13.10

      If I copy/paste your post into UE and run spell check, it stops at fjas, then ldjfa then XP, and UE.

      If I select any properly spelled word or group of words and spell check again, it says Spell Check Complete.

      This probably isn't your issue (you probably knew that) but it's the first thing that came to mind.


        Sep 14, 2007#3

        Thanks DS for your thoughts on this. I knew about the one word trick from using it and I thought that might have been the case for me at first but, no dice.

        OK, well if anyone thinks of anything else that will help with this that would be great.


          Sep 18, 2007#4

          Thanks for that help Mofi (posts deleted). Here is what I got from uedit32.ini:

          Code: Select all

          HomeDir=C:\Documents and Settings\Web\Application Data\IDMComp\UltraEdit\
          I have put in some files exaggerated examples of spelling errors and it does not pick up on this.

          fjdksfladfsajf - for example.

          Thanks for any help you can give on this,


          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Sep 19, 2007#5

            Okay. I copied with UltraEdit your spell checker settings into uestudio.ini and started UEStudio v6.30a+1 (= UE v13.10a+1). Next I opened one of my HTML files (ANSI, no UTF-8 or Unicode) and pasted fjas;ldjfa; into it.

            After moving the cursor to top of the file I run the spell check and it has found fjas as mis-spelled word. Then I pressed button Cancel and moved cursor back to top of the file to run the spell check again. Suddenly the spell checker complains about HTML in the doctype specification in the first line of my HTML file. I pressed again Cancel and run spell check again and now it seems nothing happens anymore. Very strange.

            I closed UEStudio, restarted it and exactly the same happened again.

            So I now looked into your spell checker settings and have seen that you have enabled Enable spell as you type. But in my wordfile there was no EnableSpellasYouType for HTML because I don't like spell checking while editing. I opened the wordfile, added the keyword for HTML, saved the wordfile, closed UEStudio and restarted it.

            When now running the spell checker I only get the message "Spell Check Complete!" like you. I entered some chars and there was no visual info that the just entered string is a mis-spelled word.

            I opened the configuration dialog again, unchecked setting Enable spell as you type, press the button Apply, checked the setting again and saved it with button OK. Now I could see a dashed, red line below every mis-spelled word, but those marks immediately disappeared as I moved the cursor. And the spell checker is still not working.

            So I disabled now Enable spell as you type in the configuration dialog. When I now run the spell checker, it finds all mis-spelled words and works as it should for HTML files.

            I activated Enable spell as you type again and it stopped to work. Next I disabled the settings Use filters and after a restart of UEStudio now the spell checker works, too. But when I turn filtering on, even only temporarily, the spell checker does not work anymore until I have restarted UEStudio.

            Conclusion: The spell checker does not work when Use filters (with Automatic Detection or with HTML) and Enable spell as you type are both enabled. That is a bug either of UE/UES or the Aspell spell checker. And second an activated Enable spell as you type on a syntax highlighted file without EnableSpellasYouType and with filter enabled also results in strange spell checking which in my point of view is also a bug.

            Please report these bugs to IDM support per email with a test HTML file, uedit32.ini (or at least the settings you have posted here) and with the link to this forum topic because of this post with additional info to reproduce the problem.


              Oct 07, 2007#6

              Maybe good news for you. After my email with a detailed description and a link to this topic the IDM developers looked into it and fixed the problem in UltraEdit v13.20. So with UE v13.20 that spell checking problem does not occur anymore (hopefully in all possible configuration variations).

              Basic UserBasic User

                Jan 29, 2010#7


                I have troubles finding out how to enable UltraEdit on Windows XP to check English spelling while I type a LaTeX document.

                I have read through this and that and set up UE as follows:
                1. In Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Filters I activated "Use Filters" and chose "TeX"
                2. In Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Miscellaneous I activated "Enable spell as you type" and "Display suggestions on right mouse ..."
                3. I edited c:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt and added "EnableSpellasYouType" to the line where the TeX language started. It now begins like this:

                Code: Select all

                /L14"TeX/LaTeX" Noquote LATEX_LANG Line Comment = %  Escape Character = \  File Extensions = LAT TEX LEX  EnableSpellasYouType
                /Delimiters = {}[]*\~,.+=-#|$@
                /Marker Characters = "[]"
                /Open Brace Strings = "{" "["
                /Close Brace Strings = "}" "]"
                /Open Fold Strings = "\begin"
                4. I ranted when I saw in Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Miscellaneous that the dictionary files cannot be told to be UTF-8 encoded, because I will need to add quite a few words with special characters from the UTF-8 LaTeX file I am currently editing. (Names of people, toponyms, words from some other languages, etc.)
                5. I restarted UE, reopened the LaTeX file.

                However, none of the misspelled words were somehow highlighted or underlined. (I hope that a misspelled word is highlighted distinctly in my current syntax highlighting settings). Then I thought well, probably I didn't activated the "spell as you type" feature properly, let's try the usual spell check. Therefore I commanded "Edit/Spell Check" and I was disappointed again because not only was the spell checker complaining about most of the LaTeX command names (strings which follow "\"), but it actually checked all the comments (from "%" to the EOL) as well, which mostly are not written in English at all and contain a lot of words the spell checker for English cannot know.

                There is probably something wrong with what I set up. I want UE spell checker to filter TeX syntax (including comments), I want it to check spelling while I type. Which of my settings are wrong?

                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Jan 29, 2010#8

                  You have made the mistake in your wordfile. The first line must be for LaTeX:

                  /L14"TeX/LaTeX" LATEX_LANG Noquote Line Comment = % Escape Character = \ EnableSpellasYouType File Extensions = LAT TEX LEX

                  File Extensions = must be the last keyword string on that line because every space delimited string right this string is interpreted as file extension string. So you have enabled LaTeX syntax highlighting for files with extension "enablespellasyoutype" instead of spell check while typing.

                  I have not tested it, but according to the manual of Aspell it is possible to use UTF-8 encoding for the personal dictionary. For more details see Use a spell check dictionary from Word?

                  Basic UserBasic User

                    Jan 29, 2010#9

                    Thank you for the answer, I was also suspicious about whether adding it to the end of the line would do the job and tried to add it nearer to the begin (before "Noquote") which didn't work neither. Anyway, I have overwritten that Line with what you suggested, and I still cannot see any spell checking and when I initiate manual spell check, it still complains about TeX commands and does not ignore comments.

                    Code: Select all

                    /L14"TeX/LaTeX" LATEX_LANG Noquote Line Comment = % Escape Character = \ EnableSpellasYouType File Extensions = LAT TEX LEX
                    I checked whether the path to the GNU/Aspell directory is correctly set up, and yes, it is. I really don't know what's wrong. I can try to update to the newest UE version, but doubt that it will help.

                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Jan 30, 2010#10

                      I don't have any LaTeX file to test spell checking for such files. So I tested with UE v15.20.0.1022 spell checking with your options for HTML files.

                      I copied my wordfile Personal.uew in my UltraEdit configuration folder as wordfile.txt into the UltraEdit program directory and specified this file in the Syntax Highlighting configuration dialog to simulate your environment.

                      Next I opened this wordfile and added to the language for HTML the keyword EnableSpellasYouType, saved and closed it.

                      Next I opened the Miscellaneous configuration dialog of the Spell Checker and set the options like you. I also enabled the usage of the filters, selected filter HTML and closed the configuration dialog with button OK.

                      Then I opened one of my HTML files surely containing proper names. I could see immediately that spell checking was working because of the underlines displayed under the proper names and also under the HTML tags. So the HTML filter was not yet enabled.

                      I closed UltraEdit, restarted it and re-opened the HTML file. Now spell checking worked correct on my HTML file because now only the proper names were underlined. The HTML file I used for this test was an ANSI file using character set iso-8859-1.

                      My suggestions for you:
                      1. Open Advanced - Configuration - Editor Display - Syntax Highlighting and verify that c:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt is displayed at top of the dialog below full directory path for wordfiles. If this is not the case, you have edited the wrong wordfile. By default since UE v15.00 a wordfile directory is used containing *.uew files. Wordfile.txt in the UltraEdit program directory is only used when upgrading from older versions.
                      2. Open the wordfile displayed in the syntax highlighting configuration dialog and verify with a find that the file extension of your LaTeX files is specified only for language /L14 and there is no other language for files with that extension. Also make sure that the wordfile is an ASCII/ANSI file with DOS line terminations. You should see in the status bar at bottom of the UltraEdit window in the third field the word DOS. If you see something different, use the conversion commands at File - Conversions to convert your wordfile to an ASCII file with DOS line endings.
                      3. Open your LaTex file and look into menu View - View as (Highlighting File Type) if really the syntax highlighting language TeX/LaTeX is selected for your LaTeX file or look on the status bar at bottom of the UltraEdit window on the fourth field which should display also TeX/LaTeX (truncated).
                      4. Last verify the encoding of your LaTeX file by looking on the third field in the status bar. Is your LaTeX file encoded with any type of Unicode (U-, U8-, UBE-, UESC-) using DOS, UNIX or MAC line endings? Yes, what happens if you convert your LaTeX file to ASCII?


                        Mar 22, 2011#11

                        I recently installed / upgraded to of UltraEdit. My spell check quit working. I went to the configuration / spell check / dictionary directories and my aspell parent dictionary was not pointed to the correct location. I did a file search and found this. C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\GNU\aspell\dict. with this selection I did an Apply. Then my configuration / spell check / dictionary no longer said "dictionaries not installed", I had a wide variety of options and my added words was filled with words I had added. Now the ugly part. I went back to my document and ran spell check, "nothing happened". No action in UltraEdit. Click the button 10 times no action at all. I went back to configuration and the configuration / spell check / dictionary said "dictionaries not installed" Again!
                        I am not able to get the configuration to recognize the C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\GNU\aspell\dict path. I have pointed elsewhere, but nothing helps. Does anyone have any ideas. I had some really odd stuff happening earlier with V16.30 so I did a complete uninstall of UltraEdit and rebooted before I upgraded to V17.

                        Grand MasterGrand Master

                          Mar 23, 2011#12

                          At Advanced - Configuration - Spell Checker - Dictionary Directories there are 2 directories to set:

                          Aspell parent directory must contain the path to PARENT directory of Aspell. If you don't have Aspell separately installed, the correct path for this setting is the UltraEdit program directory, typically C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit
                          UltraEdit searches in this directory for GNU\aspell\bin\aspell6.dll, GNU\aspell\data\*.* and GNU\aspell\dict\*.*.

                          Personal data directory should contain a path to a directory where you have write permission because there are your own dictionary files stored if you add words to your personal dictionary. The program files directory of UltraEdit is usually not a good location because this directory is often write protected. Better is something like %appdata%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\ which is also the default.