Output Window tabs - What are they?

Output Window tabs - What are they?

Advanced UserAdvanced User

    Oct 15, 2023#1

    Hi UE fans
    I go Layout Tab > Output Group > Output Window - Output Window - Check
    to show the output window.
    Low and behold I see two tabs numbered 1 and 2.
    What are these?
    100000000 thank yous for any reply!
    2023-10-15 19h47m10s93 Output Window.jpg (97KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 15, 2023#2

      The UltraEdit version used by you offers the usage of two output windows. There can be any number of output windows used since UltraEdit for Windows v2022.1 and the output window tabs can be also named now by the user.

      The active output window tab is filled with information on running:
      • a Find in files with option Results to edit window not checked to get the results of the find in files output to the active output window as defined at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Search - Find output format;
      • a Replace in files with checked option List changed files to get the list of changed file names output to the active output window;
      • a User tool or a Project tool which runs a Windows console application like a compiler or a script which outputs text to standard output and standard error streams with Output to list box selected on tab Output of the tool configuration for option Command output and an also checked option Capture output;
      • an UltraEdit script with status information and perhaps also an error output by the script interpreter on executed script contains a syntax error, except the configuration setting Show status information in output window is not checked at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Scripting;
      • an UltraEdit script using the commands and properties of UltraEdit.outputWindow object for useful information for the user of the script (or the script developer during the script development);
      • integrated HTML Tidy for checking the syntax of an HTML/XHTML or XML file;
      • integrated XMLlint tool for checking the syntax of an XML file;
      • integrated Pylint for checking the syntax of a Python script file;
      • integrated PHP syntax check commands for checking the syntax of a PHP file;
      • integrated Ruby syntax check command for checking the syntax of a Ruby script file;
      • integrated JavaScript Lint for checking the syntax of a JavaScript or UltraEdit script file.
      The output window is very useful for programmers to see compiler warnings and errors after execution of the compiler with a user or project tool. The Output Window has a context menu with several commands like Next message and Previous message. There can be hotkeys or chords (multi-key assignment) assigned to the context menu commands of the output window for using them from within a file window. For example, if the execution of a compiler with a user/project tool results in multiple warnings or even one or more error messages, the commands Next message and Previous message can be used from within active file to get displayed the next/previous warning/error in output window and additionally position the caret in the source code file with the syntax error causing the warning or error during compilation. UltraEdit opens automatically the source code file respectively makes the file active on being already opened but not being the active file.

      The information written into the active output window tab can be of course not only used for processing the output of a compiler. The find in file results can be processed in the same manner as well as the output of an UltraEdit script on script outputs information in a format recognized by UltraEdit.

      More than one output window tab makes it possible keeping the output of a user tool like the output of a compiler and run, for example, a find in project files with selecting before the other output window tab and get the output of the find in project files to this second output window tab.

      There is one tab with the fixed name FTP Transfers in Output Window (on using a newer UltraEdit version) which contains information about uploaded and downloaded files. There can be enabled the configuration setting Show FTP log in output window at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - FTP which adds the tab FTP Log to the Output Window which shows the full log of the integrated FTP/FTPS/SFTP client needed for finding the reason of a problem with FTP/FTPS/SFTP file transfers.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Oct 15, 2023#3

        Thx Mofi lots of interesting things for me to learn good on you sir! Thanks...