
Insert template command does not insert symbols correctly with UE 2024.1.0.36

Insert template command does not insert symbols correctly with UE 2024.1.0.36


    20:52 - Oct 02#1

    The symbol ° is not inserted correctly.
    The symbol encoded as ° in the template file should be inserted as ° (degree symbol) but no conversion happens when the template is inserted into the file.
    This happened after updating to 64-bit UltraEdit 2024.1.0.36 on 64-bit Windows 10 Professional.

    The template is:

    Code: Select all

    <p class=date2><em class=d1>[DATE_USER]MM-dd[DATE_USER_END]</em><b class=dd>[DATE_USER]ddd[DATE_USER_END]</b>^&#xB0; sunny, high</p>
    <p class=info>
      Time up: sleep:<br>
      <b class=t2>Exercise</b>:<br><br>

      23:30 - Oct 04#2

      I have looked a little more into this. I created another template, may be clearer.
      It appears that the symbols are present when I edit the template.
      But when the template is saved, the symbols are converted to the hex representation.
      I have attached two screenshots.
      Modify template - before save.png (31.27KiB)
      Modify template before saving the template
      Modify template - after save.png (30.13KiB)
      Modify template after saving the template

        21:22 - Oct 05#3

        Looks like this version (UltraEdit 2024.1.0.36 64-bit) of UE has created a new template file - UETMPLTE.TPL
        I created a new template file Balanced-TT1
        I was able to edit this file outside of the template application and include some symbols.
        After the external edit the template insert process inserted the symbols correctly.
        I am thinking the erroneous conversion takes place when the template is saved in the UE template process.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          10:21 - Oct 06#4

          I could reproduce this issue with UltraEdit 2024.1.0.36. It is a template load issue, not a template save issue. I strongly recommend reporting this issue by email to UltraEdit support.

          I usually do not report issues detected by other users and reported in a user to user forum if I an issue does not bother me in my usage of UltraEdit and UEStudio. But I made an exception in this case and have sent some minutes ago following issue report to support of UltraEdit, Inc. by email. I encourage you reporting the issue by yourself by email to UltraEdit support for two reasons.
          1. The more users report an issue the higher becomes the priority for fixing it.
          2. You will be informed perhaps in future by UltraEdit support if a fix is available and will be asked for testing the fix and reporting back the test results.
          Here is my issue report with subject: Templates with non-ASCII characters stored with entities in template file are loaded wrong

          Dear UltraEdit support,

          I want to report an issue detected and reported by a forum member, see the forum topic: https://forums.ultraedit.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19585

          UltraEdit/UEStudio v2024.1.0.36 on Windows 11 23H2 loads wrong on startup templates with non-ASCII characters stored in the template file with entities by UE/UES and inserts therefore those templates wrong into a file. This issue does not exist with v2024.1.0.32 or former versions of UE/UES.

          Steps to reproduce:
          1. Start UltraEdit, select the third ribbon tab Edit, click in the fifth group Insert on down arrow of second item Insert template and click on first popup menu item Modify templates.
          2. Click on the button + on left side, enter Test as template name and following as content: ±100 °C & &#xB1;20 &#xB0;C
          3. Press the button OK and insert the template Test into a new file by typing test and hitting key RETURN on template suggested for insert.
          There should be inserted: ±100 °C & &#xB1;20 &#xB0;C
          But there is inserted: &#xB1;100 &#xB0;C & &#xB1;20 &#xB0;C

          UltraEdit v2024.1.0.36 saved the template into the file %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\templates\UETMPLTE.TPL like UltraEdit v2024.1.0.32 with the XML data:

          Code: Select all

          <?xml version="1.0"?> <Templates encode="utf8escenc"><Template Name="Test" Description="" Comments="0" Strings="0">&#xB1;100 &#xB0;C &amp; &amp;#xB1;20 &amp;#xB0;C</Template></Templates>
          There is no difference on template save between build 36 and build 32 of version 2024.1.0. But the entities for the characters ± and ° are not converted back to characters on load by UltraEdit v2024.1.0.36 as it is done by UltraEdit v2024.1.0.32 on Windows 11 and also by v2024.0.0.44 on Windows 7. The template is inserted correct into the active file by v2024.0.0.44 on Windows 7.

          I made the same test also with UltraEdit v22.20.0.49 (last one compatible with Windows XP) on Windows 7 and the storage of the template in the file UETMPLTE.TPL and the insert of the template is the same as with all later released UltraEdit versions up to v2024.1.0.32.

          The wrong loading of the template contents exists for that reason only in UE/UES v2024.1.0.36.

          Best regards, Mofi

            17:34 - 3 days ago#5

            The issue with templates with non-ASCII characters in name, content or description of templates is fixed with UE/UES v2024.2.0.39.

            ATTENTION: The encoding of non-ASCII characters in the template files has changed with UE/UES v2024.2.0.39.

            There is still used XML for storing global, layout, environment and project templates, but non-ASCII characters are encoded now different.

            The German umlaut ü was stored in template file with UE/UES < version 2024.2 in hexadecimal entity form: &#xFC;
            The character ü is stored since UE/UES version 2024.2 in the form: [#195X#][#188X#]
            That is the character ü encoded in UTF-8 (hexadecimal: C3 BC, decimal 195 188) with decimal values of the bytes with [# left to each decimal byte value and X#] right to each decimal byte value.

            There is no automatic conversion of the templates on first start or usage after an upgrade/update from a former version of UE/UES. Templates with a non-ASCII character in name, content or description must be reconfigured manually as described below. It is best making a backup of all template files usually stored in the directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\templates respectively %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio\templates before doing the reconfiguration of templates containing non-ASCII characters in name, content, or description.
            1. A non-ASCII character in a template description is displayed with its hexadecimal entity notation in tooltip of the Template List view or in the Modify Templates dialog window.
              The character sequence of the hexadecimal entity must be selected in the Modify Templates dialog window in the Description edit field and replaced by the appropriate non-ASCII character.
            2. A non-ASCII character in a template content is displayed also with its hexadecimal entity notation in the Modify Templates dialog window.
              The character sequence of the hexadecimal entity must be selected in the Modify Templates dialog window in the Content edit field and replaced by the appropriate non-ASCII character.
            3. A non-ASCII character in a template name is displayed also with its hexadecimal entity notation in the Modify Templates dialog window and in the Template List view.
              The correction of such a template is much more difficult because of UE/UES fails to identify where the name string ends on reading the templates from the template files for such templates. The content and the description are both not shown in the Modify Templates dialog window for templates with a non-ASCII character in name.
              • Use the button with green + to add a new template and enter the template name with the non-ASCII character for the new template.
              • Do not enter the content for the template. That would be a waste of time here at this step.
              • The optional description can be entered for the template in the Description edit field and the two checkbox options should be configured as wanted.
              • The added template must be moved up with the button ▲ above the template with non-ASCII character in name which is replacing it.
              • The template with non-ASCII character in name displayed wrong and with missing content and description must be deleted by selecting it and clicking on button with red X.
              This procedure must be redone for each template with a non-ASCII character in name. Then the Modify Templates dialog window is closed with a click on button OK.
              That is unfortunately not enough. UE/UES fails to delete the former templates with non-ASCII character in names from the template file. The result is getting those corrupt templates still displayed at the bottom of the list.
            4. Open the Modify Templates dialog window a second time.
            5. Select each template with a non-ASCII character in name displayed with the entity for the non-ASCII character and delete the template with clicking on button with red X.
            6. Close the Modify Templates dialog with a click on button OK. There should be no corrupt templates displayed anymore at the bottom of each template list.
            7. Open the Modify Templates dialog window a third time.
            8. It is now time to add the content for those templates with a non-ASCII character in name which were added before to replace the corrupt templates with non-ASCII character in name.
              Enter in the Content edit field the content for the template. It could be necessary to open the backup of the template file as text file in UE/UES to get the original content, copy it to clipboard and paste it into the Content edit field. Then each entity must be replaced by the real non-ASCII character. &lt; must be replaced by < and &gt; by > and all &#xD; must be removed.
              Example of template content as copied directly from the opened backup template file to clipboard:

              Code: Select all

              &lt;table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 summary="^Zusammenfassung f&#xFC;r die Tabelle"&gt;&#xD;&#xD;
              This template content must be finally in the Content edit field in the Modify Templates dialog window:

              Code: Select all

              <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 summary="^Zusammenfassung für die Tabelle">
            9. Close the Modify Templates dialog with a click on button OK.
            The templates with a non-ASCII character in name, content or description are repaired now because of being stored in the template files with the changed encoding. The templates work now as prior UE/UES v2024.1.32.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria