Unable to update UE from to

Unable to update UE from to

Basic UserBasic User

    20:36 - Nov 03#1

    When trying to update UE to the most recent version, the install progress bar stops at 2% and I get a message that UE is up to date. However, UE the update was not successful. UE is still

    Any thoughts?

    ue.jpg (39.57KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      7:28 - Nov 04#2

      Please report issues with the built-in update/upgrade feature to UltraEdit support by email. No user can fix that.

      Open in your favorite web browser the page Download UltraEdit for Windows. Here can be downloaded the EXE installers of latest UltraEdit for Windows. Click at the bottom on the link to the page Download UltraEdit MSI installer if the currently installed UltraEdit was installed with MSI instead of the EXE. It is important that the update is done with same installer (EXE or MSI) as the currently installed UltraEdit.

      Download the installer suitable for currently installed UltraEdit (language and kind of installer). If the links are with a url with ?gl=… displayed on hovering the mouse pointer over the appropriate button, right click on the button and click on context menu item Copy Link. Next click into the address bar of the web browser or press Ctrl+L and replace the displayed url of the downloads page with pressing Ctrl+V with the copied url of the EXE or MSI file to download. Then remove everything beginning from ?gl= to the end of the url. Press key RETURN or ENTER and the web browser downloads the EXE or MSI installer file. Make sure no UltraEdit is currently running and double click on this file in your downloads folder on web browser finished the download for updating already installed UltraEdit.

      The removal of ?gl=… from the url of the installer file makes sure that really the latest version of the installer file is downloaded and not an older version in cache of WordPress which is the CMS used for the UltraEdit website depending on a data in a cookie stored in your web browser. Yes, the WordPress behavior with appending ?gl=… to the url of the EXE or MSI file is annoying on resulting in downloading the EXE/MSI installer file of an older version instead of the currently latest version. I reported this issue twice in the last two months to UltraEdit support.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria