I've a lot of .js (jscript) files, stored as US-ASCII only, which contains lines with "\uxxxx" like
When I open the file in UE 24.10, status bar shows now UESC and changes the source code to
and of course saves it so. (The file size of this example is -5 as before.)
This syntax can't be read from the jscript interpreter anymore and results in an error.
To fix the problem I had to disable the setting "File Handling / Encoding / Automatically detect encoding", but then UTF-8 files will not be detected anymore (e.g. my Perl scripts) which is also very bad. (BTW: UTF-16 files will be detected.)
This is a big problem!
UE 24 MUST NOT change the source code. (Not detecting escape-sequences to show encoding!) The programmers must see the exact characters for the interpreter/compiler - \u00022 and not "!
UE 24 must make a difference between the "technical" (Bytes, UTF 8/16/32 - with/without BOM) and "functional" (escape-sequences) detection. Later shouldn't be used in any way of course to avoid errors.
Or did I miss any other setting(s)?
An urgent reply is required because I'm responsible for UE in our company and we just planned the roll-out UE24 (over UE23) to 260 co-workers this week - which it looks like I have to cancel to avoid troubles.
Tested with non public build
Code: Select all
var CleanFileName = FileName.replace(/<|>|:|\u0022|\/|\\|\||\?|\*/g, "");
Code: Select all
var CleanFileName = FileName.replace(/<|>|:|"|\/|\\|\||\?|\*/g, "");
This syntax can't be read from the jscript interpreter anymore and results in an error.
To fix the problem I had to disable the setting "File Handling / Encoding / Automatically detect encoding", but then UTF-8 files will not be detected anymore (e.g. my Perl scripts) which is also very bad. (BTW: UTF-16 files will be detected.)
This is a big problem!
UE 24 MUST NOT change the source code. (Not detecting escape-sequences to show encoding!) The programmers must see the exact characters for the interpreter/compiler - \u00022 and not "!
UE 24 must make a difference between the "technical" (Bytes, UTF 8/16/32 - with/without BOM) and "functional" (escape-sequences) detection. Later shouldn't be used in any way of course to avoid errors.
Or did I miss any other setting(s)?
An urgent reply is required because I'm responsible for UE in our company and we just planned the roll-out UE24 (over UE23) to 260 co-workers this week - which it looks like I have to cancel to avoid troubles.
Tested with non public build