
Alt+S in Save As dialog does not work for saving a file in Chinese UE v24.10

Alt+S in Save As dialog does not work for saving a file in Chinese UE v24.10


    Jun 29, 2017#1

    Hi team,

    As the subject concluded, when I try to create a new .txt file (just to the example to this issue), I can use Ctrl+S to make the small window (name the file and decide its location) pop up, but then I try to use the Alt+S to save it, but it doesn't work after I tried several times (just no response).

    Any insights here?


    PS: My UltraEdit version is, Windows version is: Windows 7 64-bit.


      Jun 29, 2017#2

      To Tony Gibson
      Ctrl + S - Save file - saves changed files. Use F12 - Save as for any file.
      It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Jun 29, 2017#3

        First, this is a user to user forum as it can be seen on scrolling the forum page up and reading the text right of the IDM Computer Solutions application symbols at top. So there is no team here, but individual users helping other users.

        Second, Ctrl+S saves the active file or in case of active file is a new file, opens the Save As dialog. Key F12 opens always the Save As dialog for active file even when the active file is not a new file.

        Third, the Save As dialog is not small. On my screen it takes nearly the entire screen area simply because I have once resized this window and positioned it in center of screen.

        Fourth, Alt+S to activate the button Save works fine for me with English 32-bit UE v24.10.0.24 on English Windows 7 SP1 x64 using Windows Classic desktop theme and having additionally enabled that Windows always underlines the characters which are available as mnemonic keys. I entered a file name for the new file in Save As dialog and pressed Alt+S and the file was saved with the entered name.

        Fifth, button Save is the default button in Save As dialog as Windows (with my desktop theme) indicates with a thin black border around the Save button. So when I save a new file, I just hit key RETURN after entering the file name to activate the Save button. That is easier than pressing Alt+S.

        So if Alt+S does not result in wanted action of saving the file, just press and hold left Alt key and look which items in Save As dialog have an underscore below S or s. There might be either non or more than one item. On no item with S as mnemonic key, Alt+S has no effect at all. On two items with S as mnemonic key, just the input focus changes indicated with a dotted rectangle around the item with my theme, but item is not activated.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


          Jul 01, 2017#4

          Hi Mofi,

          Thanks for reply on this thread.

          After testing here and there around an hour, I think I found the root issue here.

          So as the screenshot shows, in Chinese version, there's no "s" for the shortcut key designed in the window, while in the English version it's there, which makes it without this issue.

          So I think it's essential for the Chinese version to fix this issue in an updated version.

          And I've also just send the above message to the UltraEdit team, hope they can fix this bug.

          Thanks again.
          2_Chinese version_20170701195621.png (162.86KiB)

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jul 01, 2017#5

            The Open and Save As dialogs are not completely defined inside UltraEdit. UltraEdit uses a derived version of Windows standard Open and Save As dialogs like also Windows Notepad does. This can be easily seen on doing following:
            1. Open a PDF file in Adobe Reader, use File - Save As and keep the dialog window open.
            2. Run Windows Notepad, enter any character in new file, use File - Save As and keep the dialog window open.
            3. Run UltraEdit, enter any character in a new file, use File - Save as and keep the dialog window open.
            Common as defined by Windows in Save As dialog is:
            1. Everything above the file name edit field - list type (icons, list, details, ...), order by file name, file date, etc.
            2. The File name label left to edit field for the file name.
            3. The Save as type label left to drop down list for selecting file type.
            4. The Save label of the button closing the dialog and saving the file.
            5. The Cancel label of the button closing the dialog without saving the file.
            6. The Hide Folders label of the button hiding the area with the directory tree and the files list changing to Browse Folders on being used.
            Interesting: Microsoft has not defined any letter in Hide Folders as mnemonic key, but B in Browse Folders.

            Windows Notepad has additionally the Encoding list item.

            UltraEdit has additionally the Encoding list item, the ADS Stream item and has overloaded the Save button with a extended version having additionally a down arrow opening a list with Save, Save (DOS line ends - CR/LF), Save (Unix line ends - LF) and Save (Mac legacy line ends - CR).

            To see what UltraEdit really defines in Save As dialog and what is derived from Windows standard Save As dialog window I executed German UltraEdit on English Windows. In German is:
            1. The title of the dialog window being Speichern unter instead of Save as.
            2. Alt. Datenstrom instead of ADS Stream.
            3. Kodierung and the German list items instead of Encoding and the English list items.
            4. Speichern and German save button list items instead of Save and English save button list items.
            Everything else is in English like in Notepad or in Adobe Reader although UltraEdit is in German.

            Conclusion: The Chinese translation team of UltraEdit should label the extended save button in Chinese version of UltraEdit exactly as the Chinese version of Windows. If there is (S) in Save As dialog of Chinese Windows Notepad, UltraEdit should have also (S) in label of save button.

            I hope you have explained clearly in email to IDM support what should be the label in Chinese version of UltraEdit according to Chinese Windows.

            Do you have also looked on Open button in Open dialog opened with Ctrl+O?

            I would not be surprised when the label in Chinese UltraEdit is also not 100% correct in comparison to Chinese Windows and as it can be seen in Chinese Notepad.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Jul 02, 2017#6

              Yep, just checked it, Ctrl+O is without issue in the Open button in Open dialog in Chinese version.
              So as far as I can see/concern, Alt+S is the only bug in the Chinese version, regarding the shortcut key.

              It's weekend currently, so IDM support team haven't replied my email yet. I also attached the screenshot of the Chinese version in the email which is without the "(s)" as the shortcut key apparently and I pointed it out obviously. So I'm pretty sure they get what we point it out here.

              Thanks again for your time and detailed explanation.