Can't use "brace strings"

Can't use "brace strings"

Basic UserBasic User

    Oct 07, 2005#1

    I am trying to add custmoized brace strings to VB part of the wordfile.txt.

    Without anything added there, if I press "Ctrl+b", UE braces around "(" abd ")

    However, if I add the following:

    Code: Select all

    /Open Brace Strings = "{"
    /Close Brace Strings = "}"
    I even lose the basic bracing of "(" and ")".

    Anyone knows how to specify some brace strings correctly? Thanks!

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 09, 2005#2

      It's always a good idea to look on examples like C/C++ syntax definition in standard wordfile.txt

      /Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "["
      /Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]"
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Oct 10, 2005#3

        I see what is going on. The braceing won't work if it is behind the comment symbols. Is this necessary?

        Paticually for my case, I used to use ' { and ' } to brace a portion of code (just for quick navigation through a file) and it worked in UE10. Now, in v11, it is gone.


        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Oct 11, 2005#4

          Check Advanced - Configuration - Syntax Highlighting - Brace Match In Comments (option in lower right corner).
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

          Basic UserBasic User

            Oct 14, 2005#5

            That is IT! Thanks! :P