I have a problem with aspell: even if I choose "en_GB-ize" dictionary (or some of its variants) from the UltraEdit configuration menu, UE still marks all the -ize forms as wrong. Is this only a my problem, or is it general? And in the latter, is there a way to make it work?
(I know I could simply use "en" dictionary, but that would allow also US-only forms which I do not want.)
I have a problem with aspell: even if I choose "en_GB-ize" dictionary (or some of its variants) from the UltraEdit configuration menu, UE still marks all the -ize forms as wrong. Is this only a my problem, or is it general? And in the latter, is there a way to make it work?
(I know I could simply use "en" dictionary, but that would allow also US-only forms which I do not want.)