
Colors in UltraCompare Lite v4.00+

Colors in UltraCompare Lite v4.00+

Grand MasterGrand Master

    Oct 01, 2006#1

    In UltraCompare Lite v3.10 packaged with UltraEdit v11.20x the colors can be customized with a separate color configuration dialog.

    But in UCL v4.10a packaged with UE v12.10b the color configuration became a part of the configuration dialog and in UCL this dialog is disabled. I don't know if this is by design of IDM or just a bug of the UCL version. Please contact IDM support by email and ask for clarification.

    In the meantime I used my UltraCompare Professional version to get the default values of all colors and its settings stored in the registry. Here is the exported registry key for UltraCompare Professional v3.00 and above:


    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IDM Computer Solutions\
    UltraCompare Pro 3\UltraCompare\color]


    The first byte is for red, the second for green and the third for blue (RGB).

    The meaning is as follows:

    Code: Select all

    TEF        Text Compare     Match Text              Foreground
    TEB        Text Compare     Match Text              Background
    TDF        Text Compare     Difference Text         Foreground
    TDB        Text Compare     Difference Text         Background
    TNF        Text Compare     Navigation Text 1 - 2   Foreground
    TNB        Text Compare     Navigation Text 1 - 2   Background
    ALC        Text Compare     Active Line             Background
    TNF3       Text Compare     Navigation Text 2 - 3   Foreground
    TNB3       Text Compare     Navigation Text 2 - 3   Background
    THF12      Text Compare     Common Text 1 - 2       Foreground
    THF23      Text Compare     Common Text 2 - 3       Foreground
    THF        Text Compare     Common Text 1 - 2 - 3   Foreground
    PC         Text Compare     Splitter                Background
    LLC        Text Compare     Splitter                Foreground
    NUM        Text Compare     Line Number             Background
    DIF        Text Compare     Difference Indicator    Background
    BEB        Binary Compare   Match Text              Background
    BEF        Binary Compare   Match Text              Foreground
    BDB        Binary Compare   Difference Text         Background
    BDF        Binary Compare   Difference Text         Foreground
    BNB        Binary Compare   Navigation Text         Background
    BNF        Binary Compare   Navigation Text         Foreground
    BNUM       Binary Compare   Line Number             Background
    DEB        Folder Compare   Match Text              Background
    DEF        Folder Compare   Match Text              Foreground
    DDB        Folder Compare   Difference Text         Background
    DDT        Folder Compare   Difference Text         Foreground
    DNB        Folder Compare   Navigation Text         Background
    DNF        Folder Compare   Navigation Text         Foreground
    DCB        Folder Compare   S.T.C.D. Text           Background
    DCF        Folder Compare   S.T.C.D. Text           Foreground
    DFRSTNB    Folder Compare   First Newer Text        Background
    DFRSTNT    Folder Compare   First Newer Text        Foreground
    DSCNDNB    Folder Compare   Second Newer Text       Background
    DSCNDNT    Folder Compare   Second Newer Text       Foreground
    DTHRDNB    Folder Compare   Third Newer Text        Background
    DTHRDNT    Folder Compare   Third Newer Text        Foreground
    STRP       Folder Compare   Strip Color             Background
    SPRTR      Folder Compare   Separator Color         Background
    How can this help you for UltraCompare Lite?

    I have not tested it but UCL has also a color key in the registry which contains by default none of the binary values above. So if you remove the UltraCompare Pro 3\ text from the registry file above and also the grayed settings for folder compare which is not supported by UCL you will have the correct color registry file for UCL.

    Copy that text into an ASCII file, save it with the extension ".reg" and double click on it to import it into the registry.

    You should modify the color settings you like to change in the registry file before importing the values. Use in UltraEdit the Edit - Insert Color dialog to get the hex RGB values of the colors you like.
    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria