
Problem viewing quotation marks in other editors?

Problem viewing quotation marks in other editors?


    Jan 30, 2009#1

    One of my co-workers just complained to me that a source file I edited contained quotation marks that are not visible when the file is viewed with VI. How can I configure UltraEdit to avoid this?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 31, 2009#2

      You can't configure UltraEdit to correct your mistakes. If you insert instead of the standard double quote character " (dec. 34, hex. 22) or the standard single quote character ' (dec. 39, hex. 27) from the ASCII table, language (= codepage) specific variants like
      • bottom single quote (dec. 130, hex. 82)
      • bottom double quote (dec. 132, hex. 84)
      • right single quote (dec. 145, hex. 91)
      • left single quote (dec. 146, hex. 92)
      • right double quote (dec. 147, hex. 93)
      • left double quote (dec. 148, hex. 94)
      then it is not the fault of UltraEdit when your co-worker complains about not readable quotes when using VI and a different codepage than you. Just press the keys on your keyboard for the ASCII double and single quotes. If that is too difficult for you, you can create 6 macros saved in 1 macro file which is specified to be automatically loaded on startup of UltraEdit. All 6 macros have a hotkey, the keys you press to insert the 6 language specific quotes. The macro commands are very simple. 3 macros have only """ as macro command and the other 3 only "'". With those auto-loaded macros you would always insert ASCII double and single quotes independent which quote key you hit on your keyboard.

      Depending on the codepage you use the byte values of the characters can differ or there exist more quotes. See also copy/paste code from pdf gives error due to weird quotes.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria