
Menus freaking out

Menus freaking out


    Mar 06, 2005#1

    Just installed v11 earlier, was using v7 for longest time. Anyway, my menus are not showing properly. The Icons next to names in the menus are offset, some are just black squares. When I mouse over em they just disappear all together.

    Any Ideas? I have uninstalled and reinstalled. No other program i have does this.

    Basic UserBasic User

      Mar 06, 2005#2

      Which UE version do you have ? Try latest v11a+
      What OS ? If using XP and a third party skin, remove it and try XP default look. Sometimes third party skins cause such troubles.

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Mar 06, 2005#3

        Hi CrankeBoy

        Check to see if you have latest version of your video driver.
        On a older computer, that made the difference between day and night!

        If I remember correctly I actually had a game start showing things I never saw before, that was wild. Like getting a new game.

        Yes this is stretch but I hope it helps!


          Mar 06, 2005#4

          Running Win xp with latest update/patches. Video drivers and direct x all up to date. Installed latest version of UE 11.00a+. Was running v7, had no problems like this with it. I keep my machine up to date with latest drivers, I do however run a third party skinner and that has turned out to be my problem. Thank You, Very Much Appreciated.


            Apr 01, 2005#5

            I have the same problem. I use Window Blinds 4.5 and after upgrading on the version 11.00b of ultraedit I have the same nasty menu. :( However ultraedit 11 is the only programm which doesn't work correctly. All other version of ultraedit and programs running on my machine didn't have any displayerror in menu, so I think it's a problem with UE11 :(


              Apr 01, 2005#6

              This was a problem with WindowBlinds 4.5 interacting with UltraEdit 11. I reported the problem, as well as a problem with dialog buttons, to Stardock a while back and they promptly corrected it in WB 4.50a.

              All WB versions since then have worked fine with UltraEdit 11. The current version of WindowBlinds is 4.50i RC.

              I suggest you download the latest version of WB from Stardock or contact them. Your alternative is disable menu sknning in WB.


                Apr 02, 2005#7

                Thank you for this information. I will test it immediately.