
How to restore file tree view to be docked on right side

How to restore file tree view to be docked on right side


    Oct 06, 2010#1

    While the file list view was on undockable I accidently move it to the top of the screen. With the function list on the right. Now my files show below them and I want it between the file list and the function list as it comes when installed. Could someone help me with this. It is driving me crazy.


      Oct 07, 2010#2

      You can drag and drop windows onto the docking icons... or you can use View -> Environments... to return your windows to one of the default layouts.
      See screencast
      See screencast


        Nov 04, 2010#3

        After somehow accidentally making the original file tree view disappear, I can get it back from view menu, but I cannot figure out how to restore its unfloating position. Please help. It is very annoying.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Nov 04, 2010#4

          The easiest method to get a floating view back to its previous docked position is to simply double click with left mouse button on the title bar of the floating window. The title bar is the one with the small X on top right corner showing the title of the window.

          It is also possible to right click on the title bar to open the context menu and click with left mouse button on menu item Docking.

          How positioning of child windows like the views works is explained also in power tip Tabbed Child Windows.

          BTW: The context menu of the title bar of a view contains also the menu item Undockable. With this setting unchecked it is not possible anymore to move the view by clicking with left mouse button on the title bar, hold the mouse button and move the window to another docking or floating position.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria