Highlight all words after double click automatically without holding SHIFT key

Highlight all words after double click automatically without holding SHIFT key


    Jun 02, 2015#1

    I know UltraEdit highlights all occurrences of a word if I double click the word while holding shift key.
    Is there a way to make it kind of default?
    Anytime I double click the word, it will highlight all same ones. NO MORE SHIFT KEY :(

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 03, 2015#2

      There is only a configuration setting to disable the feature highlighting all occurrences of a word on double clicking it while holding SHIFT key, see at Advanced - Configuration - Search - Advanced the setting Shift+Double Click highlights all words which match word under caret. But there is no setting to get all occurrences of a double clicked word highlighted without holding SHIFT key.

      However, there is the command Highlight All Selected in menu View available also in the toolbar. With clicking on this command, all occurrences of the word at current position of caret or since UE v22.10 all occurrences of the current selection are highlighted if there is currently no highlighting active. In case of a highlighting is currently active, this command turns off the highlighting.

      This command can be also executed by hotkey. The default hotkey is Ctrl+. which of course can be changed in key mapping configuration dialog as the command is listed there with name ViewHighlightAllSelected.

      So if you want a highlighting of double clicked word by default without holding SHIFT and usage of command Highlight All Selected is not good for your workflow, I can suggest only to send a feature request email to IDM support for one more option which enables highlighting of double clicked word without holding SHIFT key.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Aug 02, 2019#3

        I notice a change in behavior upgrading from UltraEdit for Windows version 21.x to 26.x.

        In 21.x, using the "Find Next" feature would not remove highlighted text executed from using either SHIFT+DOUBLE CLICK or a binding of the "Highlight all selected" command. Using "Find Next" with highlighted text would iterate over all instances of the highlighted text.

        This behavior changed somewhere between v21 and v26. In, using the "Find Next" feature removes all highlights that were highlighted using a binding of the "Highlight all selected" command, and finds whatever is in your search buffer. Highlights are NOT turned off, you highlight text using the SHIFT+DOUBLE CLICK feature, and the command still finds whatever is in your search buffer.

        Is this change/difference intentional? I find it undesirable as I never use SHIFT+DOUBLE CLICK for highlighting and I would prefer my highlights not to go away. I only use my "Highlight all selected" binding. And now, every time I use "Find Next" my highlighting from my "Highlight all selected" binding go away.

        Am I missing an option that can give me more control over this?

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Aug 03, 2019#4

          UltraEdit for Windows v26.00 and UEStudio v19.00 introduced the feature to highlight all occurrences of a double clicked word without holding Shift. The behavior on highlighting all occurrences on double clicking a word without or with Shift can be configured at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Search - Advanced in group Highlight all occurrences of selected word on with the radio button options:
          • Double-click
          • Shift + double-click
          • Disable
          PJP, open Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Search - Miscellaneous and uncheck setting Find next/prev finds selected text (not last searched for text), or open Find and Replace window with Alt+F3 on using default key mapping and run a find with a checked option Regular expressions. In both cases the selected word at caret position of which all occurrences are highlighted after a Shift+Double Click or execution of Highlight all selected is not used as new string to find on executing Find next, but last used find string respectively last used find expression independent on find expression contains any regular expression character at all.

          I summarize the possible scenarios after using Highlight all selected to highlight all occurrences of a word and which selects also the word at caret position:
          • Find next/prev finds selected text (not last searched for text) is checked in configuration and last find was a non-regular expression find:
            Find next searches for the selected word of which all occurrences are currently highlighted instead of last used find string and this results in removing the highlighting.
          • Find next/prev finds selected text (not last searched for text) is not checked in configuration and last find was a non-regular expression find:
            Find next ignores selected word of which all occurrences are currently highlighted and searches for next occurrence of last used find string. The highlights remain and next occurrence of last used find string is searched and selected on found in file.
          • The last find was a regular expression find:
            The configuration setting Find next/prev finds selected text (not last searched for text) is ignored on execution of Find next and so also the selected word. UltraEdit executes a regular expression Find next resulting in keeping the highlights and next match of the regular expression search string is selected on found in file.
          It is important to understand that highlighting (of all occurrences) of a word is something different than selecting of a word. A find just selects the found string matching the search string or search expression, except Highlight all items found is also checked on tab Find of Find and Replace window in which case the found string is additionally also highlighted as well as all occurrences also matched by the search string or search expression. The execution of Highlight all selected with whatever method and nothing currently highlighted results always in selecting the word at caret position and highlighting this word and all other occurrences of this word.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria