
Jumping self configured toolbar when I start UE in Toolbar / Menu Mode

Jumping self configured toolbar when I start UE in Toolbar / Menu Mode

Basic UserBasic User

    Jul 08, 2016#1

    I configured my UE for Toolbar / Menu Mode with an own toolbar. All the other standard toolbars and the main toolbar are disabled.

    When I start UE, UE show first the standard toolbar, hides this toolbar, and show at the end my toolbar. This all happens in a few moments. This is like a flicker.

    I could solve this when I provide the main toolbar with my adjustments. But than I would lose this toolbar in their original form.

    What do you think about it?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 09, 2016#2

      You should report this issue with displaying shortly the disabled standard toolbars on startup to IDM support by email. Click on email us directly at top of this page.

      In the meantime I suggest to open Manage Layouts, save your customized layout for example as MyLayout, Reset the standard layout already modified by you, and remove from your customized layout the not used standard toolbars via toolbar configuration. Now you can always quickly switch between your customized layout and one of the standard layouts if you need something from a standard layout.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria