Command name versus command prompt in status bar versus real function (UE German, 26.10)

Command name versus command prompt in status bar versus real function (UE German, 26.10)

Power UserPower User

    Nov 11, 2019#1

    I see three problems (for me) by looking on the attached picture:
    1. The menu item says completely different stuff than the status bar.
    2. The status bar is a fragment of a sentence and a mixture between English and German.
    3. When clicking at the menu I can't see what happens or what should happen.
    Where to find or what to search in the help file?

    BTW: In this menu Ansicht / View there are some commands where the menu item name is the same as the tip in status bar. Sometimes not "thaaaaat" helpful.
    ue_statusbar.png (42.9KiB)
    UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 13, 2019#2

      Command/menu item name EN: Highlight all selected
      Command/menu item name DE: Alle aktiven hervorheben

      Hotkey EN: Ctrl+.
      Hotkey DE: Strg+.

      Status bar prompt text EN: Highlight all occurrences of selected text
      Status bar prompt text DE: Alle aktiven hervorheben

      Help EN: The help page has the title View Tab and the description is:
      English UE help wrote:Highlight all selected turns off selection of strings matched by a Find with Highlight All Items Found selected when Use persistent highlight all is selected under Configuration -> Search -> Advanced or when all occurrences of the word under the cursor are highlighted
      Help DE: The help page has the title Karte-Ansicht and the description is:
      German UE help wrote:Alle aktiven hervorheben Deaktiviert die Auswahl der mit einer Suche übereinstimmenden Texte, für die Alle Fundstellen hervorheben ausgewählt ist, wenn unter Konfiguration -> Suche -> Erweitert Stets 'Alle hervorheben' verwenden ausgewählt ist.
      The English description is incomplete because of this command cannot be used only to disable a persistent highlighting of all found occurrences of a searched string, but can be used also to enable highlighting of all occurrences of currently selected string or enable highlighting of all occurrences of the word at caret on nothing selected at all and no persistent highlighting currently exists.

      The German description in help is not so bad, but the command name and prompt text are awful.

      I recommend to change both which could be done by editing in uedit32.lng or uedit64.lng in program files folder of 32-bit or 64-bit UltraEdit the lines starting with the identifier numbers 33805, 101430 and 200222 from:

      Code: Select all

      33805="Alle aktiven hervorheben\nAlle aktiven hervorheben"
      101430="Alle aktiven hervorheben"
      200222="Alle aktiven hervorheben"

      Code: Select all

      33805="Alle Vorkommen des markierten Texts hervorheben\nHervorhebung der Markierung"
      101430="Hervorhebung der Markierung"
      200222="Hervorhebung der Markierung"
      This is already enough although ueres.dll contains also the string with identifier number 33805, but the string in language file overrides the string in resource DLL.

      This command is really hard to describe with a short command name in English and even more in German. I suppose the French translation of this command name is even longer.

      I am not really happy with Hervorhebung der Markierung. That is not really describing the function of this command which I never use for the reasons described by me at Highlighting the currently selected string and "Highlight all selected" is case-sensitive and Highlighting all occurrences of a part of a word. But I have no idea how to name this command with a short name.

       I think, an English name like Toggle word highlighting with an appropriate translation would be better taking into account that this command has more functions as it had on introducing it many years ago. It cannot be used only for persistent highlighting of a single word, but I suppose those people using it use it primary for highlighting a single word (variable, function).

      Command/menu item name EN: Make selections
      Command/menu item name DE: Optionen auswählen

      Hotkey EN: Ctrl+,
      Hotkey DE: Strg+,

      Status bar prompt text EN: Convert highlighted text to selection(s)
      Status bar prompt text DE: Markierten nach Selection konvertieren

      Help EN: The help page has the title View Tab and the description is:
      English UE help wrote:Make selections converts all highlighted strings to editable selections
      Help DE: The help page has the title Karte-Ansicht and the description is:
      German UE help wrote:Optionen auswählen Wandelt alle markierten Zeichenketten in bearbeitbare Optionen um
      The English command name, prompt text and description are all okay.
      The German command name, prompt text and description are not useful for any German user in my opinion.

      I suggest to change in uedit32.lng or uedit64.lng the line starting with the identifier numbers 2005, 101435 and 200223 from:

      Code: Select all

      2005="Markierten nach Selection konvertieren\nMarkierten nach Selection konvertieren"
      101435="Markierten nach Selection konvertieren"
      200223="Optionen auswählen"

      Code: Select all

      2005="Konvertiert hervorgehobenen Text auf Markierung(en)\nMarkierungen erzeugen"
      101435="Markierungen erzeugen"
      200223="Markierungen erzeugen"
      The string with identifier number 2005 is also in ueres.dll, but the string in language file overrides it.

      Finally after making the modifications in language file the file uedit32u.rb0 or uedit64u.rb0 and the *.rb1 file of used layout like Ausgewogen.rb1 in directory containing the INI file (by default the UltraEdit application data directory) must be also edited or deleted for being recreated by UltraEdit on next start to finally see this change also in menu Ansicht (moderne (contemporary) and traditionelle Menüs (traditional menus)) and on ribbon tab Ansicht.

      Let me know if my translations are better. Please let  me know also your suggestions, if you think you have even better ones. But please note that the command name should not be too long for display on ribbon tab where the text is displayed on tab and the text length is important for that reason.

      BTW: In language file of UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 and UEStudio v19.20.0.32 the string with identifier number 66071 was changed from "(B/Lns)" to "(B/Zln)" according to a report sent by me to IDM support with an email. I have installed usually on English UE/UES. But I have tested German UltraEdit/UEStudio installer/uninstaller during beta testing of UltraCompare v20.00 and saw this not translated string in status bar of German UE/UES. So I reported it to IDM support and this string was corrected in the next release of UltraEdit for Windows and UEStudio.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Power UserPower User

        Nov 13, 2019#3

        Thanks Mofi.

        I could implement your advices.

        I think we have to not mix up "Markierung / Auswahl". In 99% of software that's the same, but here the "Auswahl" is just a display function while "Markierung" is an edit function. (I hope that I don't mess it up.)

        So you could take something like this (just a quick idea).

        101430="Hervorhebung der Auswahl"
        2005="Auswahl in bearbeitbare Markierung(en) ändern\nMarkierungen erzeugen" (Conversion is for me confusing, and "editable" is an important information.)
        UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Nov 14, 2019#4

          I think that Markierung und Auswahl means the same according to usage in help of German UltraEdit. It means a selected text which can be edited, copied, cut, moved, etc. Hervorhebung is definitely a good translation for highlighting which means a text displayed with a specific foreground and perhaps also a specific background color to better see this text which is not editable in any way just because of being highlighted.

          I have to cross-check the meaning of these two words with German Microsoft Office and German MS Office help. I am always using MS Office as reference because of the terms used in MS Office are more or less standardized terms. The great thing with MS Office is that it is available in many languages and so its help pages are also available in many languages. An excellent example is the MS Office help page Customize the ribbon in Office which explains the elements on a ribbon tab in English - US. There is at bottom of this help page on left site the language selector which can be used to open the same page for example in German - Germany which is Anpassen des Menübands in Office. That is a great help for people who have the task to translate all text of an application written in EN-US to another language like DE-DE.

          I will further investigate the issue with the not good translations of these two commands to German on weekend and report back what I think is best for command name, prompt text and description in help. Finally I will next week send a report to IDM support with what we think is best for German UE/UES for these two commands.

            Nov 18, 2019#5

            My suggestions for German translation of command Highlight all selected in language file:

            Code: Select all

            33805="Alle Vorkommen des markierten Texts hervorheben\nHervorhebung der Markierung"
            101430="Hervorhebung der Markierung"
            200222="Hervorhebung der Markierung"
            For English description of this command in English help:
            Highlight all selected turns off highlighting of strings matched by a Find with Highlight all items found selected when setting Use persistent highlight all is selected under Configuration -> Search -> Advanced or when all occurrences of the word under the cursor are highlighted. All case-sensitive occurrences of current selection or word under the cursor are highlighted on using this command and there is currently no text highlighting.
            For German description of this command in German help:
            Hervorhebung der Markierung Deaktiviert die Hervorhebungen aller mit einer Suche übereinstimmenden Texte, bei der Alle Fundstellen hervorheben ausgewählt war, wenn unter Konfiguration -> Suche -> Fortgeschritten die Einstellung Stets 'Alle hervorheben' verwenden ausgewählt ist, oder wenn alle Vorkommen eines Wortes unter dem Cursor hervorgehoben sind. Alle Vorkommen einer Auswahl oder Worts unter dem Cursor werden unter Berücksichtigung der Groß-/Kleinschreibung bei Verwendung dieses Kommandos hervorgehoben und es gibt aktuell keine Texthervorhebung.
            The usage of Markierung and Auswahl in same description makes sure that this description is found by a German user independent on searching for Markierung or for Auswahl in entire help.

            My suggestions for German translation of command Make selections in language file:

            Code: Select all

            2005="Hervorhebungen in bearbeitbare Markierung(en) ändern\nMarkierungen erzeugen"
            101435="Markierungen erzeugen"
            200223="Markierungen erzeugen"
            I think, the English description needs no modification in English help.

            For German description of this command in German help:
            Ändert alle hervorgehobenen Zeichenketten in bearbeitbare Markierungen

            Microsoft used mainly the noun Auswahl and sometimes the noun Markierung in German Office 2010 and its German help. But the verb markieren is always used to describe the process making a selection. A selection is a selected text which can be modified with various commands or by entering text. Microsoft used for English word selection the German words Auswahl and Markierung with the same meaning. Markierung is used if the plural form is needed because there is no plural for Auswahl.

            What do you think about my suggestions for the translations of the strings in language file and for the command descriptions in English and German?
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

            Power UserPower User

              Nov 19, 2019#6

              Hi Mofi

              for me the German parts are fine and clear. Thanks.  👍
              For the English part I trust in you that it is great too!
              UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Nov 21, 2019#7

                Thanks for your feedback.

                I sent the email with the posted suggestions for updating English and German help and the German language files of UltraEdit and UEStudio to IDM support the day before yesterday and got a positive reply.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Power UserPower User

                  Nov 22, 2019#8

                  Fine 👏

                    Nov 28, 2019#9


                    I had a file with 50'000 lines and 821 kb. I presssed "Ctrl+," on a word and get this message:
                    Should also be modified ..
                    ue_message.png (2.88KiB)
                    UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Dec 02, 2019#10

                      I have just sent the following suggestion by email to IDM support.

                      This is an add-on to the suggested text modifications for German UE/UES.

                      The string with identifier number 480 should be modified also from

                      Code: Select all

                      480="Konvertierung in Optionen nicht möglich, Datei zu groß!"

                      Code: Select all

                      480="Eine Änderung in bearbeitbare Markierungen ist nicht möglich, die Datei ist zu groß!"
                      See also the attached image with current message string on left side and the better message string on right side output on the approach to convert the highlights into selections on a too large file.

                      This message string exists also in German ueres.dll respectively uesres.dll and should be edited for that reason also in German resource DLL and in addition to the German uedit32.lng, uedit64.lng and uestudio.lng files.

                      The English message string is:
                      Cannot convert to selections - file too large!
                      selections_from_highlights_message.png (3.75KiB)
                      Image showing the message as displayed at the moment and as it would be with suggested modification.

                        Sep 27, 2020#11

                        The suggested improvements for the commands and strings for user interface are implemented all in German UltraEdit for Windows v27.00.0.54 and UEStudio v20.00.0.36. They could be implemented even in a former version of UE v27.00, but that could not be verified by me due to missing German version for verification. I use usually the English version. The German help was improved with UE v27.10.0.76.
                        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria