Basic UserBasic User

    Jun 25, 2023#16

    Mofi, thank you for contributing, but you just posted a 6.6K set of rigorous and detailed instructions for modifying the registry, modifying OS parameters, restarting machines and  who knows what else, all to restore the old UE icon. I can't help but wonder who came up with that garish new icon. I mean no disrespect, but why eliminate a well-recognized logo?
    The old UE logo was instantly recognizable and stylish but subtle. Ford Motor Company has had the same logo for over 110 years. Coca-Cola has had the same logo for over 130 years.

    The Old UE logo is very refined and easily recognizable. The New UE logo is just in-your-face loud. Yesterday, I had text documents on my desktop. Today, I have 6 "UE Boxes" on my desktop. I honestly prefer the aged notepad.exe document icon by far.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 26, 2023#17

      I cannot answer any questions posted in this topic as I am just a user of UltraEdit and UEStudio and not an employee of UltraEdit, Inc. knowing the reasons for the application icon change.

      I sent following email to UltraEdit support on 2023-04-24 after installation of the release candidates of UE/UES 2023.0 which were the first non-public versions of UE/UES with a changed application icon.
      Mofi wrote:Is the change of UE/UES main application icon intentional?

       The UE/UES main application icons in uedit32.exe and uestudio.exe as well as in the installer executables ue_english.exe and ues_english.exe look like a very simple touch icon as used for apps on smart mobile phones.

      There is already a user of UE who created a topic in user-to-user forum with the UltraEdit icons extracted from v2022.2, see the forum topic: url of this topic
      I received on same day the following reply by email:
      UltraEdit wrote:Thank you for your message. The change to the UE/UES application icons was intentional, but we did receive some feedback indicating that some users didn't like the initial icons that we included with the Release Candidate builds. We have released UltraEdit and UEStudio v2023.0 today with updated icons with a darker background. If users continue to express dissatisfaction with the new icons they may be revisited.
      That's it. That is all I know. I have not sent more questions by email to UltraEdit support regarding to the application icons of UE/UES 2023.0 which do not bother me anymore after two months on seeing them in the Windows taskbar, in Windows Start menu and in title bar of the application windows.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Jun 28, 2023#18

        I have emailed Support asking them WTF were you thinking, although not quite in that language. 😁
        Hopefully, everyone who reads this thread will do the same.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Jun 29, 2023#19

          johnmsch wrote:
          Jun 28, 2023
          I have emailed Support asking them WTF were you thinking, although not quite in that language. 😁
          Hopefully, everyone who reads this thread will do the same.
          I tried to be very respectful too -
          I know that I personally being on the Autism spectrum  - one of my quirks is that I really have a hard time when UIs or designs change. I get very used to how a thing looks/works and my brain kind of "short circuits" if you move things around when I wasn't expecting. Thats not to say some UI changes are not welcome - some bring added functionality or improved work flow and I love it when that happens - but that is so hit or miss for me "change for the sake of change" often really messes with me

          On the one hand I am glad others are also bothered enough by it to say something that I don't feel alone... on the other hand I'm sorry you're going through it too.

          Like I'm bad enough I have OpenShell and StartAllBack running on my windows 11 machines (and OpenShell on anything else) to make them look./feel as much like windows 2000 / NT4 interface as I can -  I honestly didn't even like XP / 7's start bar changes - though win 7 was mostly OK especially with OpenShell (ClassicShell) back then

          I hate the ribbon and was SO HAPPY UltraEdit allows me to choose to use classic menus - If they went with a ribbon and no choice to have menus It might send me packing ...
          -- The Digital Sorceress


            Jul 11, 2023#20

            johnmsch wrote:
            Jun 28, 2023
            I have emailed Support asking them WTF were you thinking, although not quite in that language. 😁
            Hopefully, everyone who reads this thread will do the same.
            I have done the same as polite as possible but it was tough to write absolutely politely about such a subject. 

            To DigitalSorceress:
            We are on the same boat, indeed. 

            Site AdminSite Admin

              Jul 14, 2023#21

              Hi Everyone,
              On the new icon, we've heard your candid feedback. Our aim as a product team is always to be user-first in our approach to design and UI, but obviously we missed the mark here. Thankfully, you've let us know. We will restore the classic application icon in our next release, 2023.1 (ETA early August). We're also exploring ways to make it an easily configurable option in a future update.
              We greatly value your loyalty and trust in UltraEdit and apologize for the disruption this change caused. Thanks for giving us the chance to make it right.
              I can assure you that all product decisions — design and otherwise — are in the hands of the same team that has maintained and cared for UltraEdit for the past 15 years, and that will not change. 
              If you have any questions or concerns, you can email our support directly at [email protected] or me personally at [email protected].
              Thanks again,
              Ben Schwenk
              Chief of Staff, UltraEdit

              Basic UserBasic User

                Jul 31, 2023#22

                UltraEdit wrote:
                Jul 14, 2023
                We will restore the classic application icon in our next release, 2023.1 (ETA early August). We're also exploring ways to make it an easily configurable option in a future update.
                Ben Schwenk
                Ben, thank you so much for the good news! I only happened to read your message since I was headed to the site to download the last version before the BB (black box) appeared. I have the tools and knowledge to put the old icon back (thanks to Mofi and others), but I have very little time lately.

                I only took the time to try and undo the BB version since I changed my wallpaper to a much lighter image (a nice beach scene, of course), and the BB icons looked like potholes on a scenic highway.

                Looking forward to patching the holes. :-)


                  Aug 04, 2023#23

                  For the moment, as someone suggested, I created a desktop shortcut, right-clicked on it, changed its icon to the classic golden globe, and pinned the shortcut to the taskbar.  

                  That lets me find it easily on my dark taskbar, whereas the tiny gold UE characters on a dark background do not.

                  The ugly black boxes remain everywhere else, of course.  I'm not inclined to hack the exe or the dll, because the hacks will just disappear with the next update.

                  I have been using EU since 3 February 1999: "On Wed, 03 Feb 1999 21:00:52 -0500 'Ian D. Mead' <[email protected]> wrote: ..."

                  I'm not sure the Ian D. Mead ever existed.  The email was real and confirmed payment of (US) $30 for v6.00.  I hope that the next version will give us options.


                  Basic UserBasic User

                    Aug 23, 2023#24

                    Hey, just got the update to UltraEdit 2023.0.0.50 and ... where are the old icons??? Staring at the ugly black box that used to be my favorite text editor. This is pitiful. Did someone at IDM buy a black Hummer or something? Pardon me for being irritated, but I *HATE* the ugly black icons that again decorate my desktop. Back to v29 I go...

                    LastUE.png (81.19KiB)
                    Installation window of UltraEdit with round stylish UE icon

                    The fastest way I've found to remove the Black Square of NEW. At least it's fully-featured! lol

                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Aug 23, 2023#25

                      The currently latest version of UltraEdit for Windows is 2023.1.0.19 which contains in several files (uedit32.exe or uedit64.exe, ueres.dll, ue32ctmn.dll, ue64ctmn.dll) the yellow UE in a black square with rounded edges as well as the stylish UE symbol of UE for Windows version 2022 (version 29). Download the EXE installer or MSI file of currently latest UltraEdit from the UltraEdit downloads page depending on currently installed UE was installed with the EXE installer or the MSI file and run the installation.
                      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                      Power UserPower User

                        Aug 24, 2023#26

                        I've uninstalled the previous versions of UltraEdit and UEStudio, along with the beta versions of both programs and rebooted my PC before running the latest 2023.1.0.19 EXE installers for both.  Despite the installers containing the new and original round icons, they still install with the new ugly square icons, and there isn't any configuration option I can find that allows the user to select their preferred icon choice.

                        Running UES and UE 2023.1.0.19 on a Win 11 Pro x64 system version 23H2.


                        Basic UserBasic User

                          Aug 24, 2023#27

                          So v2023.1.0.19 still has the borg icons? Maybe the next version will fix the black box dilemma. Hopefully.

                          Grand MasterGrand Master

                            Aug 24, 2023#28

                            Windows uses by default always the first icon with icon index 0 found in the resources of an executable for the icon in the title bar of the main application window as also for file associations of file types with an executable and for shortcuts of an executable. But there is now the stylish round icon of UE prior v2023.0 additionally inside the UltraEdit and UEStudio executable.
                            • A user can click therefore with the secondary (usually right) pointing device (mouse) button on the shortcut of UltraEdit or UEStudio in the Windows Start menu,
                            • click on context menu item Properties,
                            • click in the Properties window on tab Shortcut on the button Change Icon,
                            • select instead of the first the third icon and click on button OK,
                            • click on button OK of the Properties window.
                            The shortcut is displayed now with the stylish round icon of UltraEdit respectively UEStudio.

                            The same manual selection of the icon to show can be used for the file types associated with UltraEdit or UEStudio. There can be executed the following command line in a command prompt window to associate the third icon with icon index 2 of UltraEdit or UEStudio executable if a file type like .nfo is associated with UltraEdit or UEStudio using either the appropriate Windows Control Panel respectively Windows Settings feature or the commands as posted by me in this post.

                            reg ADD "HKCU\Software\Classes\UltraEdit\DefaultIcon" /f /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "\"^%ProgramFiles^%\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe\",2"


                            reg ADD "HKCU\Software\Classes\UltraEdit\DefaultIcon" /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d "\"%ProgramFiles%\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe\",2"

                            Please read first my post about manual file association before executing the command line as there are lots of variables in this command line which could be different on your computer depending on the existing file association like the registry hive – HKCU versus HKLM whereby a modification in HKLM requires opening the command prompt window as administrator to run successfully the reg command to change the icon registration – the file type key UltraEdit and of course the path – UltraEdit versus UEStudio or a custom path as chosen or entered during the installation of UE/UES – and the file name of the UltraEdit or UEStudio executable – uedit64.exe versus uedit32.exe versus uestudio.exe.

                            It is necessary to sign out and sign in again to get the icon registration change applied because of the manual change in registration of the default icon for a file type with the command reg does not trigger an update of the icon cache of Windows File Explorer, i.e. what is stored by Windows File Explorer in the file %LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db.
                            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                            Basic UserBasic User

                              Sep 01, 2023#29

                              Mofi, after reading your last post about all the details needed to configure Windows to use the good UE icon, it sounds as if UE will retain the ugly borg icons, but the old, stylish UE icons will be available with some modification of Windows.

                              So the default icon will always be the ugly borg icon from now on?

                              Grand MasterGrand Master

                                Sep 02, 2023#30

                                tsmith35 wrote:So the default icon will always be the ugly borg icon from now on?
                                I don't know if the stylish round icon (group) will be ever again the first icon (group) in uedit32.exe, uedit64.exe, ueres.dll, ue32ctmn.dll, ue64ctmn.dll respectively uestudio.exe, uesres.dll, uesctmn.dll, ues64ctmn.dll to get this icon displayed by default by Windows File Explorer wherever the first icon (group) of an application is shown by Windows default. I did not ask UltraEdit support by email about future plans of UltraEdit, Inc. regarding to the application icon.
                                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

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