
Displaying issue with marks for spaces/tabs/new lines

Displaying issue with marks for spaces/tabs/new lines


    Dec 29, 2006#1

    Hi all,

    I'm using UE v12.20b on Chinese Windows XP. Spaces/Tabs/New Lines are displayed as '_', '>' and '$" separately after 'Show Spaces/Tabs' in View menu is checked. This behavior differs with that discribed in the help topic.

    I found the three marks can be displayed correctly after I switched the OS locale to English (USA).

    Any way to display them as '·', »', '¶', which can be distinguished between other ordinary characters more easily?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 29, 2006#2

      If View - Show Spaces/Tabs is enabled UltraEdit displays a space with the character with hex code 0xB7 (dec. 183), a tab with code 0xBB (187) and a line termination with code 0xB6 (182). Open View - Views/Lists - ASCII Table or just View - ASCII Table in older versions of UE which shows you the first 256 characters of the current font with the current code page/script.

      If your font with the currently selected code page/script shows not '·', »', '¶' you simply use a not good font for this purpose. There is no configuration setting to remap the 3 blank characters to characters with other codes than the ones written above.


        Dec 30, 2006#3

        Looks like it's not a matter of font. Courier New can render the three marks correctly in US locale, but not in Chinese locale.


        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Dec 31, 2006#4

          I'm currently writing this on a Win98 PC which does not support Chinese and I have never installed the Chinese support on my WinXP PC and I'm also not a font or codepage expert, but I think with selecting a different locale you change within a font the byte offset (character subset). So if you can't see at the hex offsets already written the estimated characters AFTER switching to locale Chinese (= changing character subset), the font is not good. Don't blame me, if this is nonsense. I'm really not an expert with Asian and Arabic languages.

          Try following if you own Microsoft Word. When you have set locale Chinese in the Regional and Language Settings of Windows, open a new Word document, copy a text part from UltraEdit to the Word document, mark the text and set font to Courier New and enable in Word the option to show white-space characters with '·', '¶' and an arrow.

          Is this working in MS Word or fails it too?

          If it is working in MS Word, contact IDM support by email. Maybe they have an idea what to do or can reproduce the effect.

          Note: MS Word supports more than 1 font / code page within a document. So it is possible that MS Word changes the font for the characters internally and temporarily just to display the characters correctly.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Jan 01, 2007#5

            Thanks Mofi. I did that in MS Word. They display well.

            I've sent an e-mail to IDM support.

            Happy New Year!


              Line endings are not being displayed

              Nov 06, 2008#6

              UE 14.00, Win XP Pro SP2

              Toggling the "Show Line Endings" button does nothing.

              Is there some configuration item I have overlooked?

              I use Courier New/regular/10.

              I see a faint tic for the newline instead of a paragraph character and » for tab, and a dot for a space, also very faint.


              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Re: Line endings are not being displayed

                Nov 08, 2008#7

                Check at View - Set Colors which color you have set for Spaces, Tabs, Line Ends.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                  Re: Line endings are not being displayed

                  Nov 08, 2008#8

                  That was it! I had the default light silver color and when I changed it to black, there were the paragraph markers!

                  Many thanks.

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Re: Line endings are not being displayed

                    Nov 08, 2008#9

                    Fine! I use this color for spaces, tabs and line endings (with light gray background) and not black as for nomal text because then I can more easily see these characters. And with a different color than normal text I can see also if » · ¶ exist as characters in the file and don't mix it up with spaces, tabs and line ends.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria