
Anyone interested in aiding in porting color schemes to UltraEdit?

Anyone interested in aiding in porting color schemes to UltraEdit?

Basic UserBasic User

    Dec 13, 2008#1

    Right now I have a very very basic AutoIt script that aids in converting Visual Studio Schemes over to UltraEdit, and I'll likely have another to aid with Vim Schemes....or combined the two.

    Anyways its no walk in the park yet by any means, but it has gotten a lot easier to do.

    I'll likely expand to porting Gedit & Mirc schemes as well in time.

    Right now just looking for helping hands, as I'm not making a dime off of this, and its mildly fun bit of customization to tweak your color scheme in UE.

    So anyone game?

    Possible Vim ports
    Possible Visual Studio Ports

      Dec 26, 2008#2

      Well I guess not...well then the project is closed then...as I'm frankly not excited enough about the project to go it alone.

      Well here is the sample code for starting the work on Visual Studio schemes.

      Code: Select all

      ; AutoIt Version:
      #include <Array.au3>
      #include <Color.au3>
      #include <File.au3>
      $message = 'Hold down Ctrl or Shift to choose multiple files.'
      $files = FileOpenDialog( $message , @DesktopDir & '\' , '(*.vssettings)' , 1 + 4 )
      If @error Then
      	MsgBox( 4096 , '' , 'No File(s) chosen' )
      	$files = StringSplit( $files , '|' )
      	If $files[0] = 1 Then
      		$h = 1
      		$path = ''
      		$h = 2
      		$path = $files[1] & '\'
      	; Loop Through Selected Files
      	For $i = $h To $files[0]
      		; Open Active Read File
      		$file1 = FileOpen( $path & $files[$i] , 0 )
      		; Check if file opened for reading OK
      		If $file1 = -1 Then
      			MsgBox( 0 , 'Error' , 'Unable to open file.' )
      		; Delete Old File
      		$file2 = $path & StringLeft( $files[$i] , StringInStr ( $files[$i] , '.' , 0 , -1 ) - 1 ) & ' Colors.txt'
      		FileDelete( $file2 )
      		; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached
      		Dim $array[1] = [0]
      		While 1
      			$line = FileReadLine( $file1 )
      			If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
      			; Store Values to Array
      			$find = StringRegExp( $line , '(?i)item name="(.*?)" foreground="(.*?)" background="(.*?)" boldfont="(.*?)"' , 1 )
      			If @error = 0 Then
      				$string = $find[0] & ' FG=' & _UEC( $find[1] ) & ' BG=' & _UEC( $find[2] ) & ' BF=' & $find[3]
      				$search = _ArrayBinarySearch( $array , $string , 1 )
      				If $search = -1 Then
      					_ArrayAdd( $array , $string )
      					$array[0] = $array[0] + 1
      					_ArraySort( $array , 0 , 1 )
      		FileClose( $file1 )
      		If $array[0] <> 0 Then
      			_FileWriteFromArray( $file2 , $array , 1 )
      MsgBox( 4096 , 'AutoIt' , 'Finished' )
      Func _UEC( $i )
      	; Convert to PowerBuilder Format
      	; (65536 * blue) + (256 * green) + (red)
      	Return ((65536 * _ColorGetRed( $i )) + (256 * _ColorGetGreen( $i )) + (_ColorGetBlue( $i )))
      Here is some additional information for those so inclined to pursue such a venture in the future.

      Code: Select all

      [User Color Schemes]
      ;FG;BG		< Plain Text
      ;FG;BG		< Selected Text
      ;FG;BG		< Active Line
      ;FG;0		< Spaces, Tabs, Line Ends
      ;FG;BG		< Ruler, Line Number Column
      ;FG;BG		< Workspace Manager / Output Window
      ;0;BG		< Bookmarks
      ;0;BG		< Column Marker
      ;0;BG		< Brace Highlight
      ;0;BG		< Folding Background
      [Language # Colors]
      FG,		< Normal Text
      FG,		< Comments
      FG,		< Comment Blocks
      FG,		< Strings
      FG,		< Numbers
      FG,		< Word List 1
      FG,		< Word List 2
      FG,		< Word List 3
      FG,		< Word List 4
      FG,		< Word List 5
      FG,		< Word List 6
      FG,		< Word List 7
      FG,		< Word List 8
      Colors Auto Back=
      #,		< Normal Text	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Comments	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Comment Blocks (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Strings	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Numbers	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 1	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 2	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 3	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 4	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 5	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 6	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 7	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      #,		< Word List 8	 (1=Yes 0=No)
      Colors Back=
      BG,		< Normal Text
      BG,		< Comments
      BG,		< Comment Blocks
      BG,		< Strings
      BG,		< Numbers
      BG,		< Word List 1
      BG,		< Word List 2
      BG,		< Word List 3
      BG,		< Word List 4
      BG,		< Word List 5
      BG,		< Word List 6
      BG,		< Word List 7
      BG,		< Word List 8
      Font Style=
      0,		< Normal Text	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline) !N\A!
      #,		< Comments	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Comment Blocks (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Strings	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Numbers	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 1	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 2	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 3	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 4	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 5	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 6	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 7	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)
      #,		< Word List 8	 (0=Normal 1=Bold 2=Italic 3=Underline)