Start UEStudio with a project

Start UEStudio with a project


    Mar 22, 2006#1


    how can I start UESTUDIO with a specified project. When I open UESTUDIO then there is no project opened or anything bt I want to start my project automatically.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Re: Start UESTudio with a project

      Mar 22, 2006#2

      You can create a shortcut and specify the project file (*.prj) on command line. This will start UEStudio and loading the specified project.

      Or you simply activate Configuration - File Handling - Load - Reload files previously open on startup. If you close UES with a project currently opened, UES will load at next start automatically the project and the project files which were open on last close.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Mar 22, 2006#3

        I tried the command line but UEStudio opens a file with name *.prj and not the project. My commandline was ...uestudio.exe .../test.prj

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Mar 22, 2006#4

          Interesting! I can specify a *.prj on command line and UEStudio (v5.10+1) really opens the project and all files last opened as specified in the project file and not the project file itself. My projects are all "old" UltraEdit projects with following signature at top of the file:

          [Project ID]
          Signature=UE Proj: v.1

          Does your *.prj file also contain this signature?

          I don't know which setting is responsible for this difference. Please ask IDM support by email.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria