UEStudio 09 - Cannot Tile Windows

UEStudio 09 - Cannot Tile Windows


    Jan 21, 2009#1

    In UEStudio 09, I have two text files open in separate tabs. When I go to the Window Menu, tile horizontal and tile vertical are disabled (grayed out). How do I tile 2 document windows?


      Jan 21, 2009#2

      Ditto. The only option seems to be to view side by side in UC.

      The vertical scrolling still seems to work, but you can't cascade or tile windows vertically or horizontally...

      R Harrington

      Power UserPower User

        Jan 22, 2009#3

        The new environment used by UES does not allow for tiling while file tabs are displayed. If you go to the View Menu - Views/Lists and disable Open File Tabs, the Tile options on the Window menu will be enabled.



        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jan 22, 2009#4

          I have not yet installed UEStudio '09 (will do in 2-3 weeks), but according to the New Features Tour of UES '09 you can simple drag a file tab to tile the window horizontally or vertically. The new method seems to be better as the old method because with this new method you have full control which windows to tile. When you have more than 2 files open and want to tile only 2 windows horizontally or vertically, you needed to minimize all other windows first, before you could tile the remaining 2 windows with the old (= Windows standard) method. This is not needed anymore using the new method with dragging the file tab. Well, that's what I think on studying the new features tour, have not tried it yet.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

          Basic UserBasic User

            Jan 22, 2009#5

            The new feature is nice, but only supports 2 'windows' and so it doesn't replace the old Tile behavior (which allows you to Tile any number of windows). It would be nice if US/UE at least automatically hid the tab bar when tiling and then restored the tab bar when one of the tiled windows is maximized.


              Jan 22, 2009#6

              The new feature is nice, but only supports 2 'windows'
              Actually, it supports more. You have tile groups. You drag a file into the edit pane to make a group. Then drag another file to that group. Now, you have two files in that group. Now, drag one of those file tabs down into the edit pane to make a third tile group. etc, etc. You can also make the file tabs work horizontally by dragging the tab to the bottom edge of the edit window. The first one has to be right on the bottom edge towards the center. After that, you can sort of throw the file tabs around.

              What you can't do is mix vertical and horizontal file tab groups simultaneously. I hope IDM implements this feature (I have asked them if they could do that already).

              This is really a cool feature. I already find I am using it all the time.

              Basic UserBasic User

                Jan 22, 2009#7

                ok, that makes it a little cooler ;-)

                But, I still want the ability to select a bunch of files in the Open File List, right click and Tile, without having to always disable and re-enable the tab bar.

                Thanks for pointing out the tile groups, though.


                  Jan 23, 2009#8

                  As a possible work around, I assigned "ViewShowHideFileTabs" to "CTRL+ALT+T". That lets you quickly go back and forth between tabs/no tabs quickly. It adds an extra step to doing what you want.

                  Maybe you could make two tile macros (or javascript) that could be assigned to key chords? One for tile vertical and one for tile horizontal. "ViewShowHideFileTabs" gets you back to having tabs again. It even remembers any tab groups you had active.

                  I have not made many macros so I am not the one to ask about that. Mofi could probably tell us if it is possible to take a selection from the open files, hide the tabs and tile. That would be a cool set of macros.

                  I think that even though some functionality was lost by adding the tab groups in the new framework, I really like the new feature.