Symbols List displaying Keyword List

Symbols List displaying Keyword List

Basic UserBasic User

    Jun 12, 2012#1


    I was expecting to see (what I consider to be) a symbols list when I click on the IntelliSense Symbols list icon, but I get the same list as when I click on the IntelliSense Keywords list.  In fact, if I click on one and use my down arrow key to highlight an entry, and then click the icon for the other list, nothing changes.

    Can anyone else confirm that IntelliSense Symbols list is displaying IntelliSense Keywords list instead?



      Jun 12, 2012#2

      Symbols and Keywords are displaying Identical using my Delphi 2010 wordfile as well, using UEStudio

      Looks to me like all it is doing for me is giving me the "auto-complete" dialog, as even my environment, global, and language templates are also included in the list (I have my templates configured to show in the auto-complete list.) Also, if I have my cursor within a symbol, then it will only show that one symbol, as if I had just pressed ctrl-space.

      Whenever I click on the IntelliSense Keywords list or Symbols list, all I get is a "ctrl-space" functionality from it. Perhaps this is why I never used those buttons.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Jul 04, 2012#3

        The beta test period of UEStudio v12.10 is currently active and therefore I asked IDM for clarification on this issue. There is no problem with the symbols and keywords lists as it turns out, just the descriptions of these two lists were poor as they did not explain what these two lists really contain.

        The power tip Using IntelliTips contain now a better description for these two lists. The online and offline help pages about the IntelliTips features as available on Project tab or the IntelliTip toolbar are updated too.

        If the caret is currently not on a symbol, but for example within a comment or on a new line, the symbols list is equal the keywords list and that is of course correct in this case.

        As I evaluated the lists according to the power tip with beta version of UEStudio and some of my C/C++ files I found out that the symbols list works fine for structures and classes in C/C++ files. The available structure/class members are listed in the symbols list when caret is right to . or -> with a variable name left. But I could also see that the smart templates are listed above the strings of the structure/class members making the symbols list not very useful in this special case as the list of smart templates is quite long. The user has to uncheck the configuration setting Include templates in auto-complete dialog to get a really useful symbols list when caret is right to . or ->. I suggested IDM that in this special case with caret right of . or -> it would be better not including the smart templates in the symbols respectively completion list, or list them at bottom below the structure/class members suitable to the variable left to . or ->.


          Jul 04, 2012#4

          Thanks for that clarification. Because of the behavior I was getting I just never understood how they were to be used.

          Hope this helps the OP as well.