Adding Control Using Resource Editor Designer

Adding Control Using Resource Editor Designer


    Aug 30, 2007#1

    I used the resource editor designer to add a slider bar to the "about" box. Upon rebuilding I got the following error during resource compile:

    RC /fogrubbtestRC.res ..\grubbtestRC.rc
    ..\grubbtestRC.rc (73): error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name: IDC_SLIDER1

    I get this error whether I add a slider or any other control. Now...UES added this control for me...why is it not happy?

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


      Sep 10, 2007#2

      Can anyone help me? I really like the resource editor and need help, even if the problem is between the chair and the keyboard. 8)

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Sep 10, 2007#3

        I use UEStudio, but not the resource editor because I programing firmwares and not Windows applications. So I can't really help you. If no user of UEStudio with resource editor knowledge answers, you better ask IDM support per email. I'm sure, the support guys will help you.

        It would be fine if you post here what the problem was and the solution which finally solved it.

        Ask IDM support also what is wrong with your post counter. It shows -1 although it should be 8.

        Just a few things which I know about Windows resources. Every resource ID symbol must be defined in the corresponding .h file (normally resource.h) where a line like

        #define IDC_SLIDER1 x

        must exist with x is a positive integer number.

        IDC_SLIDER1 is a typical default symbol name for slider resources if a user does not specify a special symbol name. When you open grubbtestRC.rc you should see at top of the file the #include instruction for the header file with the definitions.

        What happens when you open the properties of the slider and give it a meaningful ID name which is also better readable in the program code? Does UEStudio then add the necessary define into the include file?
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


          Sep 12, 2007#4


          Thank you for your reply and information. I will check the h file and see if it was updated automatically or if I need to perform the additional step. I'm sure that once I know how it works that I can do it manually. I wanted to post here first before bothering support, but I will contact them if we can't figure it out completely.

          Thank you for all your help in the forums! 8)