
User Defined Project Template

User Defined Project Template


    Jul 05, 2007#1

    Its posible to execute a file .BAT from <User Defined Project Template>??
    and to create a new directory in the directory and the project?

    Where I can obtain the possible commandos who I can use in <User Defined Project Template>

    Thanks and regards from spain

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Jul 05, 2007#2

      You can run a .BAT file from a user-defined tool, either global or local to your project. Look under the "Advanced/Tool Configuration" and "Advanced/Project Tool Configuration" menus.

      Once you have this set up, you can run the tool either from the menu, by pressing the hotkey assigned to the tool, or by running a macro which includes the "RunTool" command. Please refer to the help file for details about setting up user-defined tools and macros.


        Jul 05, 2007#3

        It is not what I am looking for. I need from a "User Defined Project Template" created by my in the Projects folder UESTudio '06\Projects\MiProject\NewProject.wiz to be able before constructing the files that formed the project, to create the directories where these files were located and to send from that same option a file .BAT

        Compiler = MiProject\Application

        run "file.bat" *** <= Eject file .bat ****

        **** Create Folder PRG ****

        File0 = $(PRJDIR)\PRG\$(PRJNAME).c


        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Jul 07, 2007#4

          OK, I learned something new today -- thanks to you! :D

          Although I couldn't find anything about this in the help file, it is possible to create your own user-defined templates simply by saving the supplied user-defined template file for the current compiler to a new file and editing it. For those who haven't done this, they are stored in the UES directory in a subdirectory named "projects\<your compiler>" and are named "User Defined Template.wiz".

          However, it doesn't seem to allow including a subdirectory in the file path/name which doesn't already exist. And since the project wizard creates the new project file in its own new directory, there is no way to create the subdirectory in advance. :roll:

          I suppose this is why I never used the project templates before... :?