Script hotkeys: Alt+Shift+Left and Alt+Shift+Right

Script hotkeys: Alt+Shift+Left and Alt+Shift+Right


    Apr 06, 2012#1

    I'm trying to assign the key combinations Alt+Shift+Left and Alt+Shift+Right as script hotkeys, using Scripting | Scripts... | Hotkey. The key assignments appear correctly in the Scripts dialog box, but after the dialog is closed (with OK) the editor doesn't respond to either of them, and the next time the dialog is displayed, both are shown as Alt+Shift+EXECUTE. I can find nothing on my keybaord that the editor accepts as this hotkey.

    Assigning Alt+Shift+Left and Alt+Shift+Right to an editor command using Advanced | Configuration works properly.

    I'm using UltraEdit on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1.

    I can't find anything on these forums that discusses this. Can anyone help? Thanks.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 07, 2012#2

      Well, it looks like you are the first user who tries to assign to a script a hotkey with one of the 4 arrow keys because that is simply not working at all in UE v18.00.0.1034. Even after editing uedit32.ini with Notepad while UltraEdit is not running by adding in section [Scripting] the line

      HotKey 0=Alt + Shift + RIGHT ARROW

      UltraEdit ignored the RIGHT ARROW part and the hotkey is not working for the first script in list of scripts. For commands and macros it is no problem to assign hotkeys with an arrow key.

      I suggest to report this problem to IDM support by email. I can't offer any workaround because it looks like there is none.


        Apr 07, 2012#3

        Hi Mofi. Thanks for your response.

        I'm a new user of UltraEdit, but I have a knack of finding the exceptional cases hidden away in the dark corners of all the tools I use. :-)

        I'll report this to IDM support, as you suggest.