Greetings Mofi and UE Fans
I have assembled a list of Macro (surpisingly alot of posts) and Script posts of interest which I am trying to understand.
By answering Mofi's questions above I have ended up writing a more comprehensive spec below.
Any comments or responses greatly appreciated as always.
Target specification for splitting a file by keyword/string
Keyword/String by which the file is split should be a literal
- The format of the source file is such that the
Keyword/String will occur at the beginning of line.
- The source file is a series of outputs of show commands from the CLI of a Huawei/Cisco/Juniper router/switch.
- The string will be for the form
<hostname> show command
- Line containing the string should be the first line of next file
- Line ending type of the new files be fixed DOS preferably.
- File names of the new files would ideally a combination of the
source filename as a prefix and
remainder of the line containing the string. (See example below)
- The angled brackets
< and
> would need to be dropped from the filename
- Prefer a leading zero/0 be used in output filenames preceding the numbers 1 to 9. Prefer this to be the case regardless of whether 9 or less files are created during split operation. So numbering would be 2 digits regardless of single or multiple digit numbers.
- Character encoding of the new files not sure. Will read up on what this means. Maybe derived from file to split?
Macro Forum Interesting posts
Script Forum Interesting posts
Source File Format
Filename name format =
-DD hh
mss hostname.log
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname.log
File content format
This would be a series of commands carried out at CLI as shown below (NOTE in preview the full file does not show up here)
<hostname>disp command1
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
<hostname>disp command2
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
<hostname>disp command3
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
<hostname>disp command4
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
<hostname>disp command5
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
Destination Files Format
Desired output for case above would be 5 files with filename comprised of original filename with suffix being the command in question.
For example above
File 1 name =
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname disp command1.log
File1 contents:
<hostname>disp command1
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
File 2 name =
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname disp command2.log
File2 contents:
<hostname>disp command2
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
File 3 name =
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname disp command3.log
File3 contents:
<hostname>disp command3
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
File 4 name =
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname disp command4.log
File4 contents:
<hostname>disp command4
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output
File 5 name =
2019-10-14 06h51m59 hostname disp command5.log
File5 contents:
<hostname>disp command5
Text output
Text output
Text output
Text output