Current status of UE for Mac

Current status of UE for Mac


    15:47 - 12 days ago#1

    Am I the only one surprised at how little movement this forum and UE in general gets? The latest version of UE for Mac appears to be v2022.0.0.18 (2/10/23). This forum has no posts for a year.

    Is UE finally dead on MacOS? 😨

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      8:06 - 11 days ago#2

      Well, the UltraEdit for Mac user-to-user forum is used like most of the UltraEdit user-to-user forums only by users who have a problem or want help on something UE related by other users of UltraEdit. Most UltraEdit users having a problem contact UltraEdit support by email as the license purchase includes that support by UltraEdit, Inc. There is of course more activity on a forum for an open source application as that forum is often the only communication channel available for users of an open source application.

      You should ask UltraEdit support by email if there is a definite plan for a new release of UltraEdit for Mac in 2024. I don't know the UE for Mac plans as I use UltraEdit only on Windows. I don't have a Mac computer. You should add to the email to UltraEdit support also on which new features or bug fixes you would be interested most in next released version of UltraEdit for Mac. The technical support page describes how to contact UltraEdit support by email and offers also an appropriate form.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        11:17 - 7 days ago#3

        Mofi wrote:
        8:06 - 11 days ago
        You should ask UltraEdit support by email if there is a definite plan for a new release of UltraEdit for Mac in 2024.
        I actually sent a mail and asked 24 of May and received no reply.

        I don't know if that I bad news for UE Mac users, horrible customer service or both. Seems like the development for UE Mac been standing still for a very long time. It's mostly minor bug fixes and no new features.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          17:05 - 7 days ago#4

          Resend the email or use the form to ask. It sometimes happens that an email to UltraEdit supported is filtered out by Google mail which is used by UltraEdit, Inc. for their email accounts.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

          Basic UserBasic User

            6:13 - 3 days ago#5

            Mofi wrote:
            17:05 - 7 days ago
            Resend the email or use the form to ask. It sometimes happens that an email to UltraEdit supported is filtered out by Google mail which is used by UltraEdit, Inc. for their email accounts.
            OK, I'll give it another try.