ant wrote:How do I set Toggle Word Wrap as default setting?
English: Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Word Wrap/Tab Settings - Default word wrap on for each file
German: Extras - Optionen - Editor - Zeilenumbruch - Umbruch standardmäßig für jede Datei einschalten
enables word wrap with the method selected below for all files having the extension displayed in the drop down list above. By default the drop down list shows only Default which means for all files except those files with an extension you have configured different. If no file extensions are configured than all settings below the drop down list are for all files.
ant wrote:How do I get rid of balloon tooltips in Explorer tree view?
There are some undocumented settings as I just found out by searching in uedit32.exe controlling the tooltips in the explorer view.
Allow List Tips=0
disables the tooltips completely.
ToolTip Delay=5000
delays the display of the tooltip for 5 seconds.
You have to edit %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.ini with another text editor (Notepad) or edit a copy of this file in UltraEdit and overwrite the original after closing UltraEdit.
Delay File Size Check could be also interesting. I have to ask IDM for details about these settings and also if they could document them in help on page INI File Selection and Advanced Settings or make it available in the File Tree View configuration dialog or the context menu.
Show Tooltips=0/1 is a setting of [Clipboard History] and can be configured from within UltraEdit by clicking with secondary (normally right) mouse button into the Clipboard History view, click on context menu item Options and uncheck the option Show Tooltips. So there is no need to change this option manually in uedit32.ini.
TooltipsInOutWindow=0/1 is a setting of [Settings] and can be also changed from within UltraEdit by clicking with secondary (normally right) mouse button into the Output Window and click on context menu item Show Tool tips. (Aha, a different spelling than in the dialog in UE v15.10.0.1031. Should be corrected. I will report it. Edit on 2010-09-04: Spelling of "tooltip" finally standardized in help and application in UE v16.20.0.1009.)
I looked into uedit32.exe of UE v13.20a+1 and found the three strings Allow List Tips, ToolTip Delay and Delay File Size Check also in this executable. So I'm quite sure that your version of UltraEdit read it also in. You just have to add the lines by yourself. The fact that these three settings are not present in a default uedit32.ini is a sign of not being supported from the GUI of UltraEdit. They are really advanced settings which must be added manually into uedit32.ini.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria
None of the three worked, even by carefully closing UltraEdit during edits.
I tried with and without spaces, with 1s and 0s and put them in the [Settings] section.
You must have done something wrong. I tested now with UE v13.20a+1 Allow List Tips=0 and it works, no tooltips anymore in the Explorer view. Please note that the setting names are case-sensitive and spaces around the equal sign are not allowed. Just copy what I posted and do not type it manually. I copied them also from uedit32.ini.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria