
Changing keyboard shortcuts for panes

Changing keyboard shortcuts for panes


    May 13, 2005#1

    I see that by default F4 toggles focus between the document and the explorer pane, and that F8 does the same for the function list. How do I change the keystrokes for these commands? I didn't see a matching command for the one that is displayed for Current Assignment when typing the shortcut key in the Press New Key field on the Key Mapping config page (it would be helpful if there were a button that would select the command in the list for the just-typed keystroke).

    Also, it would be nice if Esc returned focus from a pane to the document, ala VS.NET. Any plans for more modern pane functionality (auto-hide, etc.)?
    Automate software builds with Visual Build Pro

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 18, 2006#2

      In the key mapping dialog the command FocusToTreeView (near the end of the list) is for the file tree view and SearchFunctionList is for the function list.

      For switching back from File Tree View to edit window press ESC twice. The first ESC sets the focus to the current tab in the file tree view (Explorer, Project, Open).

      For switching back from Function List View to edit window press the "SearchFunctionList" hot key F8 again.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria