If you have automatic code page detection not enabled or it does not detect that the text is using code page 866 (OEM - Russian), switch the code page via code page/encoding selector in status bar or using
View - Set Code Page. Additionally you have to set under
View - Set Font and
View - Set HEX/Column Mode Font a font supporting code page 866 or you won't get the text displayed correct even after setting the code page correct.
Another method would be to right click on the file tab of the OEM file or open menu
File and click in submenu
Conversions on
OEM to ANSI. Then you edit the file in ANSI and before save use command
Or you use command
Show font with OEM Character Set to toggle for all files to OEM editing. This command is by default not present (anymore) in any menu or toolbar. But with right clicking on a toolbar, left clicking on
Customize Toolbar and adding this command to a toolbar, you can make use of it and see additionally easily if OEM editing is currently enabled or not for active file.
The third method is the one I use for editing batch files (and some other old file types) automatically with OEM code page 850 while all other files are edited in ANSI or Unicode. Read
different font depending on file extension for details on how to configure UltraEdit to edit files depending on their file extensions in OEM. Adding the
OEM Character Set Command to toolbar is nevertheless a good idea on using this method as it indicates the OEM editing mode for active file in case of having ANSI and OEM files opened at the same time which is typical when I'm editing batch files.