
File locking question

File locking question


    Nov 08, 2005#1

    I need a text editor that will lock a file while it's being edited and prevent others from making any changes to it. I spoke to someone who evaluated UltraEdit and found that while editing a file in UltraEdit they were able to also open the file in Notepad and make changes to it. UltraEdit then reported that the file had changed. Is that the only way file locking works with UltraEdit? Can I completely lock out a file while editing it or can I configure UE to keep the first copy open instead of allowing others to change it and then alert me that the file has changed? What if the second person is using UltraEdit? Will that completely lock them out?

    any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 09, 2005#2

      Activate option Lock file for write while editing at Advanced - Configuration - File Handling - Miscellaneous.

      Now when you open a file for editing (and not in read-only mode which is also possible), UltraEdit activates the write lock on the file and no other user/program can now modify the file as long as you have opened it in UltraEdit. Other users/programs (including users with UltraEdit) can only open the file for viewing. The locking feature is a Windows system feature!
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria