
User defined tools and toolbars in v12

User defined tools and toolbars in v12

Basic UserBasic User

    Mar 29, 2006#1

    Just upgraded from v11.20 to v12. Everything seems to be OK except an issue with user defined tools and toolbars.

    I had a toolbar with all the 10 user-defined tools allowed in v11.20.
    Now in v12 they can be 25 - great! I quickly created new tools.

    But how to put Tools 11-25 in a custom toolbar?
    In the icons/commands available for adding to a toolbar, still only tools 1-10 appear. I can't see any way to add Tools 11-25 to a Toolbar (they appear in the Advanced menu and work fine from there) or to assign shortcuts for them.

    Another problem - in my 11.20 toolbar with Tools 1-10, the tooltip for each tool was the tool name. Now the tooltips are 'User tool 1', 'User tool 2' etc.
    How to fix this?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 29, 2006#2

      The tool tip bug is already discussed and reported - see Wrong tooltip for user tools in v12.00.

      There should be no problem to assign shortcuts to all 25 user tools - see Configuration - Key Mapping - AvancedUserTool11...25. I have not tested if the shortcuts for the tools 11...25 really work.

      Last you are right with the toolbar configuration dialog where only the first 10 user tools are available. Please report this missing support by email to IDM support.

      You can add the user tools 11...25 manually by opening the *.tfg file (in the directory of the uedit32.ini) and add the appropriate line for the tools 11...25. For example:


      Question: Can anyone please tell me how to write tooltip correctly?

      Is it "tool tip" (with space) or "tooltip" (without space). For the first one with space Google finds more than 2 million pages, for the second one without space more than 3 million pages are found. One of my dictionaries has listed "tool tip". The other dictionaries does not contain "tool tip" or "tooltip".
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Mar 29, 2006#3

        Moin Mofi,

        seems 2 be one word. this is what I found in dict.leo.org:
        Tooltips can be used with links to display information about their destination. Tooltips can be used with form elements to provide guidance to the user in filling out the form. Tooltips can be used with images to display information about them.
        Btw: This word seems to be registered by a big software company in Redmond...

        rds Bego
        Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Mar 29, 2006#4

          Hello Bego,

          yes, I thought also about the company in Redmond. But the Windows Help and Support Center (= Windows XP "Help and Support" in start menu) finds 16 "tool tip" and 15 "tooltip". In the UltraEdit help also both spellings can be found. So it is not really 100% clear what is correct. Best I use always both within a forum topic.

          Da scheint es ausnahmsweise auch einmal in der englischen Sprache die gleiche Problematik zu geben wie in der deutschen Sprache nach Einführung der mittlerweile "neuen - neuen" Rechtschreibung. Diese erlaubt ja auch "großzügigerweise" bei sehr vielen Wörtern mehrere Schreibweisen, was z. B. bei der Suche nach so einem Begriff ziemlich nach hinten losgehen kann. Da muss man praktisch alle Schreibweisen mit ODER in der Suche verknüpfen, um wirklich alles zu finden. Prinzipiell halte ich die neue Rechtschreibung für nicht so schlecht. Allerdings ist die Rechtschreibreform wegen der Politiker (glaube ich) nur mehr ein Reförmchen. Die Reform wurde also wie in Politikerkreisen üblich auf eine winzige Veränderung runter verhandelt. Die Rechtschreibreform verschlingt somit Unsummen, ohne wirklich nachhaltig das System zu reformieren, so wie es auch bei durch Politikern durchgeführten Reformen üblich ist. Da ich noch jung bin (noch geschätzte 40 Jahre bis zur Pension), werde ich wohl noch 1-2 Rechtschreibreformen erleben.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Mar 29, 2006#5

            Hi Mofi,

            I prefer tooltip because of the better matching and less danger of comparing it with a real hardware-tool like a screw-driver or so.

            I agree 100% with your German text.
            At least, the reförmchens save 100.000s of "beamte" their Job ;-)

            But thats another issue...

            rds Bego

            P.S. Hab gedacht ihr Österreicher macht mal nicht jeden Scheiss der aus Deutschland kommt mit, aber sieht wohl nicht so aus...
            Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

            Basic UserBasic User

              Mar 29, 2006#6

              Thanks Mofi, but adding
              B ID_TOOLUSER11
              does not help

              My toolbar is named Toolz
              If I put the above line in Toolz.tfg file (which BTW contains data also about Main/HTML/Tools toolbars) - this simply has no effect.
              I did this with Notepad, UE closed. After starting UE, Tool 11 is not in the toolbar.

              There is also a file named uedit32.tbr, it seems identical with Toolz.tfg
              If I put B ID_TOOLUSER11 in uedit32.tbr at the appropriate place, after I start UE - it deletes this line.

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Mar 29, 2006#7

                Uedit32.tbr is a copy of the currently used toolbar configuration file. In your case Uedit32.tbr should be identical with Toolz.tfg after restart of UE.

                I have now tried to add B ID_TOOLUSER11 in my Personal.tfg and the tool icon was visible in the toolbar after restart of UE. Uedit32.tbr was automatically updated by UE during start.

                I have duplicated existing line B ID_TOOLUSER1 and just modified the last number. If you edit a toolbar configuration file, you have to handle the preceding tab(s) and the trailing space(s) also correctly and you have to insert the line inside a {...} block or the inserted line will be ignored. So copying and pasting an existing entry is always the best method.

                However, although the icon for tool 11 was visible in the toolbar, the tool cannot be accessed. If the mouse is moved over the icon of tool 11, UltraEdit crashes. So the tooltip (<- thanks Bego) problem is a bad resource problem. Currently you cannot use tools 11...25 in the toolbar.

                An assigned hot key works and also the run of the tools 11...25 via the Advanced menu works.

                For use in the toolbar you have to wait for next version of UE where the tooltip bug is hopefully fixed and if you have reported it also the toolbar customization for the user tools 11...25 is available.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Power UserPower User

                  Mar 29, 2006#8

                  Mofi wrote:although the icon for tool 11 was visible in the toolbar, the tool cannot be accessed. If the mouse is moved over the icon of tool 11, UltraEdit crashes.
                  I just tried it and didn't get a crash. I don't get a tooltip (at all) nor does the tool name show up in the status bar, but I can execute the tool via the toolbar. I don't have a custom icon defined for that tool, do you?

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Apr 09, 2006#9

                    mjcarman wrote:I just tried it and didn't get a crash. I don't get a tooltip (at all) nor does the tool name show up in the status bar, but I can execute the tool via the toolbar. I don't have a custom icon defined for that tool, do you?
                    I have tested it with and without a custom tool icon. On WinXP UltraEdit does not really "crash" - Windows XP closes UltraEdit because of a memory access violation when the mouse is moved over the icon of a tool 11-25. UltraEdit seems to write anywhere out of it's memory which Windows XP recognizes and kills the UltraEdit task before it harms an other application or the whole system.

                    On my Win98 notebook I have the same handling with the tools 11-25 in the toolbar as you described with v12.00+3. But I detected that other running applications suddenly get weird (toolbar of Total Commander shows white rectangles when mouse is moved over an icon) and later also produces access violations (after closing Total Commander and restart it - pang!!!) and I was forced to restart Windows 98.

                    So currently I can really only warn you using the tools 11-25 in the toolbar. You can destroy files on your computer or the whole Windows configuration if UltraEdit writes by mistake to the memory where the registry is currently loaded.

                    I think, this is a problem of a non-initialized pointer and the usage of such a pointer is very dangerous. (Hey, I'm a firmware programmer and so I know what a bad pointer can do.)

                    I have sent a bug report today about all problems with the tools 11-25 I found and read here in the forums. Hopefully this issues are fixed with next hotfix 4.

                      Jun 15, 2006#10

                      Good and bad news!

                      Good: With UE v12.10a and UES v5.50a the user tools 11-25 and project tools 11-25 are available in the toolbar customization dialog. So no need to edit the *.tfg file anymore manually.

                      Bad: I have added user tool 11, 12 and 13 to my toolbar for testing. When I move the mouse cursor over one of these 3 tools UltraEdit v12.10a immediatelly crashes (with the option to create a bug report dump).

                      I guess, this is still the tooltip bug described above. So I still can't advise to use the (project) tools 11-25 from the toolbar. I have sent again a bug report email to IDM.

                      And the help button in the Tool Configuration dialog in UltraEdit opens still not the correct help page.

                      Troy from IDM could reproduce both bugs. Hopefully they are fixed in next release.

                      Edited on 2006-11-04:
                      Tooltip bug which caused crashes is fixed in UE v12.20 and UES v6.10.
                      Help button error is fixed with help of UE v12.20a and UES v6.10a.

                      So with UE v12.20a or UES v6.10a it's now safe to add user/project tools 11-25 to the toolbars and run it via their icons.
                      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria