Use Registry problem

Use Registry problem


    Oct 20, 2004#1

    I've tried to get UltraEdit version 10.20c to save settings into registry.

    If I try to set this from settings using "Use Registry for settings" and when I restart the UltraEdit, it automatically unchecks this selection and fails to use the registry.

    Now, when I tried to set this setting using INI file then UltraEdit works, but for example syntax highlighting stops working.

    Well, now I settled on to an intermediate solution, where there's only this information in the INI file:

    Language File=%MAINDIR%\ultraedit_10.20c\WORDFILE.TXT
    Spell Directory=%MAINDIR%\ultraedit_10.20c\
    Use Registry=1

    Personally I think that it looks pretty rude, but I couldn't figure out better fix.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 20, 2004#2

      Of course, you will need an INI file with Use Registry=1. UltraEdit always first looks for the INI file and loads/saves the settings only from/to the registry, if this setting is found in the INI file.

      Don't know, if really everything else is stored in the registry, because I prefer the other borderline case, where all settings are stored in the INI file. Ask IDM for details, what must be set in the INI.

      That setting "Use Registry for settings" in the configuration dialog is not saved in the INI file sounds like a bug. I wrote a similar bug report about "Show CHM user help files always on top" for about a month and this bug is fixed in the currently latest hotfix for v10.20c. So please, write a bug report to IDM.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria