
Find in FTP Files - Is it possible

Find in FTP Files - Is it possible


    Jun 23, 2008#1

    Using UE V12.20a. I am aware of how to use the 'Find in Files' facility but is there a way to use this inconjunction with the FTP facility available in UE? Before I open 100s of files I would like to be able to search for specific data strings within the files to minimise the number of files I need to edit. :?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 23, 2008#2

      I think no, but I have never worked with FTP files. However, it will not make a big difference if it would be possible which I don't know.

      UltraEdit would need to download all files via FTP to a local directory, then open each file in background and run the search on every file to show you the lines which contains your search string and next deletes all local copies.

      I know that the mechanism above must be used because my favorite file manager Total Commander supports connecting to an FTP server and searching in files on the server. But only with the mechanism described above. And Total Commander outputs just the list of files which contain the search string, not the lines where the search string is found in the file. Therefore Total Commander is faster because it can stop searching in every file immediately when the search string is found first and do not need to continue to end of every file as UltraEdit.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jun 23, 2008#3

        That's not possible.
        As a "poor workaround" I wrote a perl-script that acts like an extended grep.
        It lists all files that contain the search string down the current directory and lists the files in "UE-FTP-format".
        So at least I just can copy ONE filename from the list and paste it into the UE-Open from FTP dialog (One hotkey in my case).
        Voila, the file is just open then without any clicking around.
        Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit


          Jun 24, 2008#4

          My "poor workaround" consists of these steps:

          - open a Telnet console, connecting to the remote Linux system

          - type the grep command from the command line in the telnet console (using grep options -nH = filename and line number).

          - Copy all output from the console into an empty UE document

          - run a UE script that "parses" the console output, constructs the UE-FTP path format for each found file, (FTP-)opens the file and position itself to the line with the first grep hit. (Let me know if you want to see this script. You'll need UE version 13 or above though).


            Jun 24, 2008#5

            A little Unix stuff: The "poorest workaround" for loading fastly 1 file:

            Here is a function for the .alias-file you can use:

            Code: Select all

            function ue () { cdir=`pwd`; echo \"${cdir}"/"$1\";}
            It does the following:

            Code: Select all

            unixhost: ~/bin/subdirtest> ue text.txt
            unixhost: ~/bin/subdirtest>  
            You then can copy & paste line2 above directly into UE-FTP-Open dialog an press Enter to load the file.
            Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit